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Name __________________________________________

Period __________ Section __________

St u d e n t Q u e s t i o n n a i r e
1. Your favorite subject in school ________________________ Your least favorite _____________________
2. What has been your biggest concern/fear during this school year? ________________________________
3. What extra-curricular activities are you involved in? (sports, clubs, work, etc.) _______________________
4. What do you like to do in your spare time besides watching Netflix?
5. What would you like to do after High School (occupation and/or schooling)?

6. What is the best book you read this year? __________________________________________________

What is your favorite movie? _____________________________________________________________
What music did you listen to this week? _______________________________________________________

7. Would you rather speak in front of a class or write a paper? why?

9. What is your biggest fear about this class?
10. Is this the first art class you have ever had? If not, what else have you taken?
11. What is something art related you want to learn how to do? (Draw a face? Learn a new medium?)
12. Tell me about a piece of art in your home that you like. What does it look like? Who is the artist?

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