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Four Year Old Checklist Alli Bakken EED 255

***Due to obstacles involving observing my first subject in a school setting, I have chosen another
child to observe for the rest of the semester. This child is a student in the program that I am
interning for and there should be no further issues in observations and assessments. This has been
approved by Judy Poggi.
Childs Initials: ____AP____ Birth date: __3/25/11 (observation took place on 3/24/16 while child was
still considered 4 years old)__
Intellectual Development:
1. Can identify colors? Yes
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, brown, gray, pink.
I asked AP to find toys in the Housekeeping area by color (ex. Can you find me something
that is red?) He was able to successfully find an item for each color.
2. Can Identify numbers? Yes
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Can count rote from __1___ to __20__
Can count objects? Yes
Can Write numbers? Yes, 1-10, please see attached scan.
Can identify geometric shapes? Yes: Triangle, Circle, Square, Diamond.
Can draw geometric shapes? Yes: Triangle, Circle, Square.
Can recognize own name? Yes.
Can state full name (first & last)? No. Stated First and Middle name, but unaware of Last
10. Can spell own name aloud? Yes
11. Can print own name? Yes: please see attached scans.
12. Can identify upper case letters? Yes, AP pointed at each letter on an alphabet poster and
named them in order. Afterwards, I pointed to letters at random for AP to name and he was
able to do so correctly for every letter.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Can identify lower case letters? Yes, AP pointed at each letter on an alphabet poster and
named them in order. Afterwards, I pointed to letters at random for AP to name and he was able to
do so correctly for every letter.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z


Can write upper case letters? Yes, please see attached scan
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Can write lower case letters? Lowercase letters observed were those in his name: d, I, n,
and r. AP was not interested in writing lowercase letters as he did the uppercase.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

16. Can draw a person or other recognizable objects? Yes, please see attached picture of
self portrait
17. Can identify all visible parts of the body? Yes
18. Can state his/her own address? No AP said his address was 16 down and Butler.
19. Can state his/her own phone number? No AP said: my Dads number is 1320
20. Can state his/her own birthday? No AP said: My Birthday is on March 35th Actual
birthday is March 25th.
21. Can match pictures and shape? Yes, When given blocks with different shapes AP was
asked to find toys that were the same shapes. AP matched a triangular block to a slice of
pizza, a circular block to the knob on the housekeeping sink, and a square block to a
22. Shows hand preference (which is ____Right_____) Yes
23. Can recognize difference in size? Yes
24. Shows interest in books? Yes
25. Can retells the main idea of a story? Yes
26. Can put story cards in sequence? N/A
27. Can arrange objects in series according to a pattern? N/A
28. Understands spatial relationships (behind, beside, under) Yes
29. Recalls words to song / chant? Yes
Social & Emotional Development:


Shares materials? Yes most of the time

Takes turns? Yes most of the time
Shows respect and rights of others property? Yes
Keeps hands to his/her self? Yes most of the time
Listens while others speak / tell a story? Yes
Is polite / courteous to other children & teachers? Yes
Helps classmates clean up when play time is over? Yes
Can attend to bathroom needs by his/her self? Yes
Makes attempts to put on his/her own coat, jacket, sweater? Yes
Can zip, snap, button clothing? Yes
Separates from parents with ease? Yes. Upon entering the room, AP approached the
assistant teacher who was doing health checks with his palms held out and his mouth open.
After the teacher finished his health check, he skipped into the bathroom and washed his
hands while sticking his tongue out and winking his eyes at his reflection in the mirror. He
exited the bathroom looked to his left, and excitedly waved while shouting Bye, Daaaaad!
He then turned to his right and sat down at the table which was being set for breakfast.
Seeks other children to play with? Yes
Can express anger in words rather than actions? Yes
Smiles, seems happy much of the time? Yes
Works and plays Cooperatively with other children? Yes
Seeks help when needed? Yes

Work Habits:



Expresses ideas with art materials? Yes

Participates in & enjoys group singing / games? Yes
Participates in classroom activities? Yes
Follows Directions? Yes Sometimes AP needs to be told directions more than
once for him to follow. When the class started brushing their teeth, AP did not.
The teacher came to his side and modeled what motions we were doing as a
class. After AP still did not pick up his toothbrush, the teacher asked AP directly:
AP, we are brushing the front of our teeth on the left side, please join us. Adrian
then picked up his toothbrush, and slowly raised it to his mouth and began
moving the brush in a circular motion against the front of his teeth.
Cares for School Materials? Yes
Handles scissors properly? Yes
Holds pencil properly? Yes While AP was writing his Uppercase Letters I noticed he was
holding the pen in his fist. I asked him if I could show him how I hold the pen and he said,
sure. I modeled holding a pen properly, and he said Well, I know that, but this is much
comfortable holding up his hand in a fist. I said, Thats okay, you can write however you
want and gave the pen back. When AP took the pen this time, he held it properly within
his fingers and wrote all of his letters holding and handling the pen correctly.
Can trace & cut specific patterns? Yes please see picture of cutting sample
Can paint & paste neatly? Yes
Attempts to color within the lines? N/A
Completes tasks? Yes
Shows interest/ attention in classroom activities (appropriate attention span)? Yes

Large Motor Development:




Runs with control over speed and direction? Yes

Jumps over obstacles, landing on 2 feet? Yes
Climbs up and down climbing equipment with ease? Yes
Moves body creatively to music? Yes
Is willing to exercise? Yes
Jumps on two feet? Yes
Hops on foot at least 6 hops? Yes
Can gallop? N/A I attempted to engage AP in this movement, however he did not attempt.
He was preoccupied playing a role-playing game with his friends in which he pretended to
be a superhero
Can skip? N/A - I attempted to engage AP in this movement, however he did not attempt. I
attempted to engage AP in this movement, however he did not attempt. He was preoccupied
playing a role-playing game with his friends in which he pretended to be a superhero
Can throw a ball? Yes
Can catch a ball? Yes
Can bounce catch a ball? Yes

1. Speaks in complete sentences? Yes
2. Speaks clearly? Yes
3. Takes part in conversations with other children? Yes

4. Expresses needs and wants clearly? Yes

5. Dictates description of drawings? Yes

Additional Comments:
by Christa of Preschool Education .Com - Printing permission granted for classroom use only.
Scanned Document: I wrote the top and bottom examples of Upper and Lowercase letters
and the date. AP writes Uppercase Letters and his name.

Scanned Document: I wrote the top examples of numerals 1-10 and date. AP wrote
numerals 1-10 and his name.

AP Self Portrait

AP Cutting Sample:

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