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EcE 550 LECTURE S In this course, we will deal with two different descriptions ofa lintan system 1 the inpot-outpot deseription and the state variable deseriphen Let vs begin by discussing the Input- eutpot deseriphien, which treats the system asa “black Only the sehivity ot the inpot and cotpet temmmals We known. The intemal ehuetore of the system te not averleble. The mathematical description Focuses on the mapping between the inputs 4, arity and the cutpote gigs sergg ue gr He --O where Hid an operator on function that oniquely specifies the eubpot yin terme of the input a. Eqvatien® assumes that the sgstem is relaxed prion te the application of the inpet at time t, We shell discos this ih greater detail oa moment. ECE 550 LEcTURE 5 Firat, let us consider the concept of Mnearvty. A celaxed system is said te be lmear iff HCau' t agai) = a Hel + Ha? @ ferony inputs wl and uo) and For ang real numbers Hyand 4. Otherwe, the ayetem ss said tebe near. Retuening to the concept of relaned- meas. A system's said tobe relaxed at time t, VFB the ootpet gi oy ie solely and vniquely Aral conditions excited by wee ays In other words, ( are equal to acre. A system ie said ts be causal if the outped of the oyetem at time t does not depend on the npet applied after time t 5 [tb depends en the tnpub applied before andottinet. Ifa system re nok cousal, it ie sad tebe noncausal Thos, the sapeb-eutpet dleseription ofa linear, coveal, relawed syetem & gwen by + goer S6Ct Duar --@® Qt, 2) galtye) “<> gilt) GDI = | gale) gaye) + * gaplt, wd eo anh << + gace | ..® ECE 550 LectURE 5 and gy 6t)t2 0 the response at time t at the ith cutpet terminal due to an impulee: finehen applied ot timet at the jt Saput ternal, the impute ot all other terminals beng tdentea lly tere Hence, Gib the impulse-respense matrix of the agetem. One further simplification aan be tncer- porated into Oye. Tf the sytem known to be relawed at time ty, then + yes Soe, erucerae . 3 . ® This a the cove fF wv 20 imphcs thet t=) Brea) 2° TE the charnctereties ofa system de net change wrth time, then the eyttens i said tebe time- Mathematically, « relaxed system 15 soid tebe Hmecinvariant iff H@,u = QHu a) For ong input a andony real poarhie number « Note that & Saye HE Bey ulead oe Tlerads ude) © Eck B50. Lecture 5 Se Qa te the time shift operator, Using © vn the content ofa linear, time-invariant, relaxed system, we note thet Gt, 2) = Glt-r) GD) et and t. Theos, ‘ gc? f Gle-Ducwrar If 4,20, then + gore foG- Duct * aS Glew Dade @) Equation @) is called the convele tegrol, T+ te convenient and advantageous te vse the Laploce transform te convert a convolution integral in the tine demain sate an elgebrase equation on the frequency domain. Consider the Following definition fo © Since Glt-t)# 0 for t>t , the upper limit to @ can be eet equal tow, and se ECE 550 Lecture 5 ¢ foG-Decedde eo Mae (foc neta gerne ewemtay Suwe ar 2 border a) Te a ou, Note thet G(s) d the Laplace transfenm of the immpelse-respense matna, and is called the transfer-Ffunction matrix. A number 2 Creal ercomplen) 12 said to bea pole ofa rational eee ges) iff Igcrlae. Anumber dsb said tebe a ere of 2c) FF JO zo. Anumber st said tobeo pele ofa retional matrix GCs) FF lb id o pele of at least et se eee eee a vratenal fonction is ieredverble the corse, nv Packer between numerator Cres the only com and deneminater is a constant), then svery reek of the deneminater ib a pole and every rest of the nemenator is a zero, For exemple, ssl BO = Sr Ssaz Is net irreducible. Se -1 6 net a pol ECE 550 Lecture 5 Now Jet us consider the state-veriable dese tian ofa aysterm. The state ofa system at time 4g 1 the amount of information at 4, , thet to- acther with Steep determines vriquely the. behavior of the systen far all £2. Tn thee course, we study syetems where otates const ofa Finite numberof veriables. Thus, the stete, con be represented by a column vector x, called the state veto. The components of x are colled stote variables. The set of equations thet deceribes the oniqve relations between input, sutpet, ond state ts ealled « dynemcoal equecticn. For exemple, Reeds hC x), ot) ,4) @® gt gO nd, wed, e) =. 2) where (@s) 12 the stote equation ond (@e) 2 the sutput equahien. Tq this come, we study linear systems, se that KG) = AGY EGY + Bud gees CA) 2CE) + DUD where ACE) ban nxn matin, BED an neg mater CY Ba gan mote and Deda qQup mate: ece 550 Lecture 5 18 the Liner ayeten 1b Hmecinvaciant, then (4)? Axtt) + Bult) . gre? = Cx + Dale? where A,B,C,end Dave veel constant matrices, Unless etherwae specified, the base of the state space of end 13 astemed te be the Cartesian orthonormal vectors We con apply the Leploce transferm te@ts) and ceeu ming that xe) # x ne skis) > ARG) + B&G) e 8 gor ckw+ dis Se thet, al “| £03) = CsI-AY x? + (a t-aY BG) GO = COst-AY x? #0(st-A 8G) ee + Docs) Note that if x°2 © , then() reduces te 2) = Letst-aY'a + D1 acs) = GG) 26) _ where Gtsr% [eCs-ayB+DI & the transfer, function matrix:

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