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ECE 550 LECTURE 7 We once again consider the time-invariant dyremical equation, ve Re Ax + Bu Oo gece + De @® bet P be on nxn nonsingular matrix with cooffi- cients in the field of complex numbers, and let &: AR + Bu O) y 2 Sx + Ba .. @ where R= pap! B+ PB E=cp' Bebo AG) The transformed dynanucal equation 12 said tebe equivalent to equetene Dand@®, and Pit send te be an 24 volence. transfermaten- Note thet A and-Aare similar, they are differ- ent representations of the same linear operator, ECE 550 LecTuRE 7 Consider the network shown below Mowe antiga the thotes x and 20s shown above, then the resulting dynamical equation ss [Pale Lls Le yee 1x © ine If we aseign the loop currents tobe the states, then we obtain the following dynamicol equation 71m hot G Poe .® Both dynemical equations have the same dimen sion ond deseribe the same syetem. Hence, they are equivalent. The equivalence trans form can be found as fellows: Ece 550 LECTURE 7 [21-0 1] ® Pconbe cbtemed os follows: elise Lisk e Using © we note thet UL ell ll] “Lh s] as expected Two lineor dymomicel equations ore said tebe. Bero-stote equivalent iff they have the came impulse-resporse matrix: Two lineor dynamical equations are sacd to be sero~input equivalent ECE S50 LeeTURE 7 IFE for ang initial state in one equation, there exists a state in the ether equation ,and vice versa, such that the two equations have the same gevo-inpuh response. Thos, twe equivelent lincar tihesinvariant dynamical equations are gero-stote equivalent and gere-mput equivalent. The converse is not tree te: two linear dymarnia cal equatiens can be sero-state equivalent and/or inpok equivalent withevt berg equivalent. aeron We can directly apply these results te the case of Linear time verging dynamical equations, be kt ACt) x + BCA = (2) 2 CLAY E + DEE | (s) He Px , then AQ)X + Ba ®@ é 6 © gr CHE + Bara Se Keer= [ pceracer+ Peed] Peer Beer = Purece? E cer + cee Peed © Bee) = Deed ECE 550 LECTURE 7 Agora the two dynomcal equahens are said te be equivalent , and Put the equivelence: transfermatien. Thos, twe (heer timesvarging equations thet ane equivalent are alse gero-state equivalent and Beroninpet equivalent. Let us now return te the input-eutput desemphon ofa egstem. Fora system with p imped terminals: and q output terminals, we have thet © + yore SoG,c) weed a We shewed in Lecture & that Glee = CEIPCE, TIBCL) + DCL) SCt-v) 3) e2e GU,D=o eee) The second statement a result of causalih If a dynamical equation [ike @Moada® exe, and (fF Glt,t) ss rte impulse-response matrix, then GLE,T Vs said tobe realieable. We coll the matrices A,B,C, and Do realizaton of Git, t?. For the time -tnveriant case, ob 1s more conven- ECE 550 LecTURE 7 tent te werk inthe frequency demain. Recall thot Sesy=eCsr-ay B+ D 1 = gare cl Ad (er-a)]e +d det (sI-A) tsa polynomial of degree n ins. Eveng clement of the odjemt ss 0 polgnemial of degree equal te or less than nal. Hence, every element of Cs2-A1B 2 a rohenel Function of a, and the degree of the denomin- ater is at least one degree higher than that of tts numerater, Since D is a constant matex, Cs2-AY"B + Db again o reotional Fonetion of sand the degree of the denominator is equal to or greater than that of its numerator A cotronel- Function matrix GCs) 1 said to be proper if OC) saa constant mate. Nete that 62d=D R@®. Sls) said te be »: proper +f G0) =0. A tronefer-funchon matrne tl B62) & reeheable bya finite dimensional, linear, time -twacion? dynameal equation iff Bisdisa proper rational matrix. ECE 550 LECTURE 7 The following 1s an example ofa proper ratenal @ | SHI g3e sem [ : | co Se, 86®) ya constant matrix.

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