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DATE: DARRELL DULALCHAN ID: 03725218 DATE: 26™ JULY, 2015. JOURNAL ENTRY #1 Episodes that occurred This is my first ever journal and this journal entry describes my first week of the Diploma in Education Programme. Like the title of this journal this week was a week of firsts. A week that has honestly made me reassess myself and my actions as a teacher, something that I have never done before. If there is one word that constantly echoes in my head and has embedded itself into my life because of this program is the word ‘REFLECTION’. This word bas not only changed my outlook and re-directed the course of my career path as an educator but has made me re-assess myself personally. By reflecting I have started to observe things about myself that I never thought existed. Through reflection I have begun to critique myself and my teaching practices. It was not easy starting this programme and I have had my doubts on whethier I made the right decision about enrolling. This gloom was further enhanced on hearing the experiences of a student from the previous year. However, events and introductions to the cougsés during the week started changing my approach especially that of Philosophy. Philosophy made me reflect and look into myself and the presentation that had a profound effect on my persona was that of Mr, Ali’s presentation of Plato’s cave as well as the explanation of Socrates" unexamined life. iThok Speer ay a i 7 Lego! ‘This made me re-examine myself and my purpose as an educator. rece Uae Another major presentation that was paramount in my changed outlook was that of a psychology video that was shown to us by Ms, Jameson-Charles. This video was titled “Every Child Needs a Champion”. This struck and emotional cord in myself and motivated me about how much more was I contributing as an educator than just helping children get good grades. Analysis of episodes / Implications ‘This week has undoubtedly been one which has changed my entire teaching philosophy. I have understood the need that reflection in my practice is important, Reflection affords me the capability to assess myself and my practices which in turn benefits myself as well as my-~~ students. Ihave also learnt about the bigger picture that Iam not teaching a subject but in fact_— teachings students. I understand that there is a “hidden curriculum” in which my actions also convey teachings to my students, therefore I need to be mindful of my actions at all times. Youve foen paoly foes bey el\ —p- Ke _Lbe n uf} is

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