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Sertoli cells produce inhibin and stimulate spermatogenesis

2. Where the hormone is having its action. How you identify where the chemical
signal is having its action. [Note: insulin acts all 3 ways]
a. Paracrine: neighboring
i. Alpha cells neighbor pancreatic beta cells. Beta cells in the
middle. Outward is alpha cells. Insulin inhibits alpha cells from
producing glucagon. Insulin stimulates beta cells.
b. Autocrine: binding to the cell
i. Insulin binds to pancreatic beta cells; maintains beta cell mass
ii. Insulin increase cell proliferation
iii. If it stimulates itselfthen it is autocrine
c. Endocrine: target tissue is distant
i. Liver
3. Type I A diabetes mellitus
a. Auto-immune struction, 90% of beta cells destroyed
4. Graves Disease:
a. Excessive amount of thyroid hormone produced
b. Antibody binds to TSH receptor located on the follicle cells
5. Para follicular cells are in the thyroid gland
6. F-cells, Alpha cells, beta cells
7. FSH anterior pituitary [peptide]
8. LH
a. FSH + LH are both gonadotropins, target tissue = gonads (ovaries +
testes) FSH stimulate sertoli cells which stimulate inhibit. Inhibin
inhibits FSH more than Leiydig cells.
b. Leiydig cells to make testosterone necessary for sertoli cell activity
which is connected to spermatogenesis
c. Pathology: low sperm account for low FSH.

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