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Lemon & ICT

By Carolina Clerici
A couple of weeks ago, I started a seminar on using technology in the EFL classroom. To begin,
I compared the use of ICT with lemon they have a lot in common :)
Lemon is sour really sour. Our reaction when we try lemon for the very first time is usually
that of rejection. However, many of us get over it and decide that it isnt that bad after all
theres something good about it.
Lemon is delicious. There certainly might people who disagree but to me food with lemon
tastes good: lemon pie, lemon icecream, lemon filled sandwich cookies, tea with lemon and
its just not the same if we change the lemon.
Lemon is invisible. We cant really say its an essential ingredient. In fact we have as something
that is there but unnoticeable, something that enhances flavor but doesnt stand out. Lemon is
invisible to the point that we wouldnt decide to prepare something just because we have
lemon at home.
Lemon is ubiquitous: its everywhere. Not only do we know lemon as something we can eat
and drink, but we also see it in detergents, perfumes, air fresheners, bleach, deodorant and a
long list of products.
Lemon is personal. Although we can admit that a lot of people add lemon to food, theres no
rule as to what goes well with lemon soup, empanadas, soda, alcoholic beverages,
milanesas No doubt this is a personal choice.
Lemon is necessary. When someone tends to be anemic, like me for example, its common
that the doctor recommends that you have your meat with lemon since lemon helps absorb
iron. Lemon is good for sore throats, to remove stains, to lose weight, and so on.
I believe that ICT have a lot in common with lemon. Our first reaction when were faced with a
new app or digital tool may be that of rejection. But once we get used to technology, we learn
to do things we wouldnt have dreamed of doing before. Just like lemon, ICT is or should be
invisible, theyre a means to an end. Just like lemon, technology is everywhere. The way we
use technology is personal, we decide when to use them, what for and how. Finally,
technology is essential for students that were born in a digital era and learn in new ways.
Read on
Buckingham, D. (2008). Ms all de la tecnologa. Buenos Aires: Manantial.
Harris, J. (2012, julio 12). Judi Harris explica su modelo TPACK y nos invita a Chile. Video para el
Litwin, E. (2008). El oficio del docente y las nuevas tecnologas: herramientas, apremios y
experticias. Educao Unisinos, 12(3) 167-173 doi: 10.4013/edu.20083.01
Maggio, M. (2012). Enriquecer la enseanza. Buenos Aires: Paids.

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