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Gruneiro 1 Alex Gruneiro Mrs. Raymond University Writing 1102 2 February 2016 wr3 The best learning experience I have ever had did not happen in a classroom. In high school, I was a part of our school’s Athletic Training Program. The goal of the academy was to teach us everything there is to know about an athlete, whether it be physical, or psychological. I always had fun in the academy because all of the topics were very interesting to me, but my best, experience came on a football field while I was working it. All of the students were required to work a certain number of hours a semester in order to achieve an A or to stay in the academy. To help fulfill my hours, I liked to work football games with the certified Athletic Trainer. While she and I were watching the game, a player led with his helmet into the other kid's hip. The kid who got hit in the hip went down instantly and did not get back up. We rushed onto the field like we were supposed to, so we could assess the situation, The kid’s leg was cockeyed because of the hit. After we got him to the sideline, I watched the Trainer do a bunch of tests on him. After, she sent me to fix up an ice bag for the athlete. She had diagnosed him with a tear of his hip flexor. This explained why his leg was naturally cockeyed following the hit. [leaned so much by watching her calm the athlete down and diagnose him while comforting him at the same time. 1 was so glad I was able to witness that even though I felt horrible for the player. Gruneiro 2 That whole experience was really positive because it really inspired me to make a difference in people’s lives. I was amazed by how the kid was comforted after just finding out he tore a muscle in his hip. I learned that under the right care, any awful situation can be positive. A few weeks later, the Athletic Trainer got a note from the kid and his family thanking her for helping him and to tell her the surgery was successful. I want to be able to do this for people as well for others. It was so positive in the fact that it showed that there can still be good in the world. Even if it goes unnoticed.

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