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Gruneiro 1 Alex Gruneiro Mrs. Raymond University Writing 1102 15 March 2016 WP6 ‘You can demonstrate your effort for revision by showing changes in your writing. They don’t always have to be big changes, but they should be noticeable from paper to paper. Revision could just be something as small as changing a phrase, or even as big as taking out and rewriting a whole paragraph. ‘The whole point of revision is to make the best possible paper that you can. I will go back over all of my work and find little things to make my writing just a little better so that the final product is the best possible thing I can make. My goal in revision is just to create something that an Va will find interesting to read, and a way to get to know me ms weu-soud you vnderstand hw rowisiin Worcs better as a human being.

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