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Alex Gruneiro Mrs, Raymond UWRT 1102 12 April 2016 wp9 For this writing prompt, I called my friend Kevin to discuss my topic. Kevin is the person who got me interested in the game of football. He is a New England Patriots fan, and we talked about the Super Bowl nonstop because we thought it was going to be the Patriots vs. the Panthers. So earlier, I called and asked him some questions about my topic, and what he thought of thydéam knéwing that he is not a fan of theirs. ‘The main thing Kevin kept saying was how he didn’t like how Cam Newton was always dancing around after a big play. He said that he felt it showed no humility for the sport and that he should not act like that iffhe wants to be viewed as a superstar. asked him what he thought about the rest of the team. He replied with the same thing saying, he doesn’t doubt that the players are good guys, but on the field, they are jackasses. I tried to explain to him that they ‘were just having fun, but he wasn’t having it. Something that surprised me in our conversation is when he said his favorite Panther was Greg Olson. Most people do not bring him up when they talk about the Panthers, He also said his least favorite player was Luke Kuechly. This really caught me off guard because I have never heard anyone say they don’t like Luke. This made me realize that in our presentation, we need to shine more light on the community work the Panthers do, and how good of people they are off the field. Everyone just see’s their celebrations as show boating, rather than them just having fun, I feel that showing the audience what the players are really about off the field will show that they're actually good people just having fun. 4

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