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SLCC Course Evaluations

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Course Evaluation Results

Total Evaluations:

Brett Terpstra
Fall 2015
PILT 2050 005 Aviation Meteorology Aviation Tech - Prof. Pilot

SLCC Evaluation Questions

Overall Evaluation
4.3 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Overall, how would you rate this course?
Instructional Delivery (Teaching)
4.7 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How would you evaluate the instructor's preparation and organization for each class?
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How well did the instructor stimulate your interest in the subject matter?
4.6 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Evaluate the instructor's effectiveness in helping you learn the subject matter
Instructional Design and Assessment
4.5 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Evaluate how well the instructor stayed focused on course objectives
4.7 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Rate the appropriateness of assigned work, tests and other activities for meeting course objectives
4.4 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How effectively were concepts presented?
Course Management
4.3 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How conducive to student learning was the class atmosphere?
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Rate the feedback from the instructor concerning your completed assignments and grades
4.5 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How would you evaluate the use of class time?
Learning Outcomes
4.7 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How clear were you with the intended learning outcomes of the course?
4.5 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How well did this class meet the learning outcomes of the course?
Open Ended
Give specific examples of how this class may have been intellectually stimulating
(no response)
A lot of the presentations gave us a better understanding on different topics.
he gets the class engaged
We went to the weather service station which was very interesting. Made all of what we were learning come together and what it takes to forecast weather.
The class help with the understanding of flight conditions for all types of weather.
(no response)
good use of visuals, always using the projector and powerpoint slides
This class was very intellectually stimulating with how interesting the lectures were. I really liked the quizzes that were given at the beginning of each class. They
challenged each student to come into class prepared after reading the chapters. The lecture was always based on what was read in the homework. The
instructor continuously included every student every class. I could tell that it was important that he kept each student involved in the information which was being
taught at the time. Very impressive. Very good instructor.
would have like to have seen more animation or visual aids to reinforce the concepts better. lecture sometimes is hard to grasp the concepts
(no response)
What aspects of this class contributed most to your learning? (Please give specific examples)
(no response)
The homework and quiz assignments
The instructor and his drive and passion for teaching and forming the content to be understandable for each student.
visually presenting pictures of items we are talking about
(no response)
All aspects did.
The use of pictures and graphs from the book was useful. The teacher was knowledgeable and had experience in the field. Explanation of things was clear and

easy to understand.
How weather affects aviation.
Applicable to every flight
What aspects of this class detracted most from your learning? (Please give specific examples)
The time it was scheduled however, the time fit for my availability so I wouldn't chang it.
The class time period sometimes made it difficult to focus especially after a long day from work. Would be better if it was broken up in 2 days vs. Just 1 a week
The part that made it distracting for me was the time. I felt that the class could be shorter and still get the same amount of information put out.
(no response)
inaccurate answers to questions
dry lectures
(no response)
Instructor Selected Questions
Instructor Questions
4.5 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How would you rate the instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter?
4.4 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How would you rate the instructor's availability to students?
4.6 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How would you rate the instructor's helpfulness to students?
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Evaluate the instructor's explanations to tough questions
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How would you rate the instructor's answers to student questions?
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Rate the instructor's effectiveness as a discussion leader
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Rate the instructor's ability to tailor instruction to differences in students
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How well did the instructor respond to questions in class?
4.2 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) How well did the instructor's examples clarify points in class?
4.4 (EX-VG-G-F-P-VP) Rate the instructor's ability to clarify complicated material in the text
Student Body Questions
Student Questions
Y: 10 N: 0 I was prepared for each class
4.8 (A-U-S-R-N) How often was the textbook used as part of this course?
1.0 (A-U-S-R-N) How often did the instructor cancel class?
How often were the following used in this class?
4.8 (A-U-S-R-N) Lecture
3.6 (A-U-S-R-N) In-Class Exercises
4.8 (A-U-S-R-N) Tests and Quizzes
3.1 (A-U-S-R-N) Video and Guest Speakers
3.8 (A-U-S-R-N) Group Work
4.4 (A-U-S-R-N) Discussions
4.4 (A-U-S-R-N) Assignments and Papers
4.7 (A-U-S-R-N) Reading
2.0 (A-U-S-R-N) Group Projects
3.1 (A-U-S-R-N) Service Learning
3.1 (A-U-S-R-N) Research and Field Study
How often were the following methods of evaluation used?
2.1 (A-U-S-R-N) Multiple Choice
2.6 (A-U-S-R-N) Essay
2.2 (A-U-S-R-N) Matching
4.2 (A-U-S-R-N) Short Answer
4.0 (A-U-S-R-N) True/False
2.2 (A-U-S-R-N) Work it out and show your work
3.1 (A-U-S-R-N) Papers and Reports
2.7 (A-U-S-R-N) Demonstration
3.2 (A-U-S-R-N) Presentation

Salt Lake Community College 2010. All rights reserved.

Salt Lake Community College 4600 South Redwood Road Salt Lake City, UT 84123
(801) 957-4298

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