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Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) system currently in Indonesia is slowly getting

better in my opinion. This situation is showed by government, in this case is BNPB

and BPBD in provincial/region/city level, is giving gladi or workshop for people in
risk. Government is periodically cooperating with community to train theirselves
with governments help such as the skill in mitigation or risk reduction. Besides skill
training, people of community in risk also make their own mapping of safe route in
emergency after disaster happens, With this training and community-based
mapping, government trying to make community become more independent.
People of community in risk gains from this training or workshop such as skill
and knowledge to then they used for another chance in DRR. The skills and
knowledge they get from government can also be learned from another group, such
as civil organizations, educational institutions, or some private institutions. This
initiatives is a good start to become more independent but not apart from
government. Though the skills and knowledge in DRR can be learned from another
institution, government has a role to monitor and evaluate how far the training goes
and effective for people of community in risk.
The effective initiatives for independent DRR education is a straight
education to people in community in risk which differentiates depends on age and
education in that community. This education, once again, can be learned from
another institutions beside government, such as civil organizations or educational
institutions. The education though should be differentiate depends o age and
education because peoples problem understanding is different. An elementary
student or people with elementary school knowledge should be given a basic but
reliable information and knowledge about DRR education. Meanwhile, people with
college diploma or an undergraduate student can be given more complex
information but still reliable.

Paramastri Wulandari

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