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The Bondage

Every cell of my body has a structure of life

There are components
Functions, energy
My instinct
The inner voice
Fill the whole of me up
Lead me to another flow
Flow of wisdom, wonders
Search, speculation
Wildness, adventures
It never let me go hungry
Then this comes
The teaching that is done at school
Parental, societal grooming sessions
Commandments, commitments, conformity
Handcuffs my steps
Determines my boundaries
And Bridles my directions before I pave my path
Controls my will before I understand the free will
Dictate dos and donts, which keep me confined
It ties my tongue before I communicate
It systems my life before I perform it
It instills standards into mind before I understand the differences

What I am
Who I become
Is predesigned
What I think
How I feel
Is programmed
I, me, self, who gets constructed
As captivity
As a tiny
A vulnerable being
My existence is remotely controlled
The bondage
The isolation
The invasion
It poaches my world
It silences the inner voice
I then learn the fear of wrong doings
I learn to adjust and to obey
The constant demands for right, nice, appropriate and decent
Shackles my self-being with conditions
Subsequently I stop thinking
For it invades
Overruns me
and simply

and Obliviously
I start observing lives of others, but not mine
Trailing the trodden down route
Instructions guide my way
Tests measure my talent
Memorizations bolster my confidence
Diplomas testify my achievement
Many times I do what I am told, not what I want
I think what I want, not what I am told
The deception, fragmentation
Creates a little hypocrite in me
After all
I who was formed of trillions of cells
Self-owned territory once
Has been raided
At the end of the day
Quite frankly
Am I supposed to rip it all apart
To rebuild myself
Something keeps me chained
The instinct tries to rebel though
My inner gut roars
So loud...!

The Day Can be GREAT!

The Congested Chittagong
The bustling street is found off the beaten track
The early crisp morning ride
Brings fresh breeze
The hair swaying touches the soft cheeks
Chills out
The glistening beaded dews
From the perky shrubs and trees on roadsides
Forms the divine landscape
Birds start chirping
Vendors start stalling
That Surroundings
Brings enchantment
And wonder with it
My Head lifted to the sky
Arms stretched out
Jumped high
To comprehend
To embrace
Every moment
The moment of the simplest beauty
Yet to be the aspiration
To start the day
With a great mood

Each one has its miracle
Each one has its rhythm
Each one has its melody
But has never been a magic pill to give a life
Pitched enough to be heard
or thunderous tone to show its emotion
Because each has been so much under cover
Hidden underneath
The surface
Yet incredibly
This is beautiful
The source of all Each (s)
Allows all to join ONE-the power
Slithering further into the distance
Dances in Zigzagging
It whistles a tune
Upon deafen ears
It bangs the Rock
Reverberates Echoes its sonorousness into the air
In bloom everything will burst
And some day It becomes forest

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