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Document version 0

Two initial directives for sharing this document. One, only publicly share the contents of
Part I. Two, keep the whole of the document private for as long as possible, only seek to
publicize after threshold support.
A Convergence Of Culture And Communication
Part I
The problem: The speed in which the energy toward the election fraud in Arizona
dissipated is likely to be repeated. In light of what I saw and experienced, this is not
necessarily about the disenfranchisement of candidate supporters. This is about the future
of our world, the time to mobilize is right now!
A citizen/speaker at the election fraud hearing here in Arizona was arrested , charged with a felony
for carrying a weapon and injuring a police officer. The weapon? A safety pin (search:
Safety pin leads to felony charge against protester at state House). I t pricked the police officer

while the protester was being searched due to perceived disobedience. This was in
response to the growing protest from the citizens within the hearing.
Make signs to bring to light the irony: a protester engaging the establishment about
voting rights is arrested and charged with a felony. The irony of this is palpable, that a
protester risks losing their right to vote while striving for their right to vote. Bring to light
this irony of arrest with #IHaveASafetyPin on a sign, and let it serve to immediately
question any subsequent arrests.
Next, A QR code on the sign which links to an individuals Election Story, unify the
stories with #MyElectionStory. Next, #StopElectionFraud, #OccupyThePolls, and
#DemocracySpring to unify some other issues and to give a quick impression of a
coherent story. Finally, include the directive to increase the frequency of our occupation
with a simple statement on the process to the outcome: Persistence and presence =
frequency and volume = political pressure.
The QR code is optional. It serves to give respectful attention to the individuality of every
person, but to also to connect the whole issue to the digital age. However, your presence
is more important than a QR code.
For reasons that I will explain in a bit, the pole of the sign must be long enough to rest on
the ground while a supporter is standing.. The signs themselves cannot self-stabilize, use
a supportive base to ease the task.
We strategically occupy a variety of locations, likely to concentrate within the currently
voting states. The phenomena to gain massive support on the day of the vote,
disenfranchised voters will have an immediate platform for their voice. If past trends
repeat, this is the exact window where the media will give us the most attention.

Think of the impact of the phenomena occurring within multiple voting states at once.
Despite the media actively ignoring the election problems, people are physically seeing
election fraud throughout The United States. This news is spreading faster by word-ofmouth than by the media. The establishment is not interacting with us as equals.
What I noticed in Arizona was a lot of heat and a lot of overall silence despite the energy.
The problem here in Arizona was that the energy did not concentrate. The image that
comes to mind is of a parabolic mirror concentrating the energy of the sun to a point, in
sum no more or less energy, but with strategic use the concentrated energy nets
permanent change. And with enough concentration, a fire. There needs to be an emphasis
on peaceful occupation, and there are very good reasons for that.
To that point: Protesters, lie down. We will not fight with the police. Any engagement
with the police must be avoided at all costs. The idea is to spread a message and to do so
in such a way that any question of belligerent sides must be seen through the lens of an
absolutely peaceful protest. Protesters to lay down, grasping to stabilize their signs with
both hands. This is a non-threatening gesture. The message stands.
From at about eye level, any picture of the mass will depict a clear image: The signs
contrast the absence of the protesters hidden beneath the canopy.
The media only provides us a small window of attention to effectively demonstrate. We
need a social media push the moment the occupation starts, but otherwise this
demonstration should not be shared with those who might plan to stop it.
There are logistical issues in this plan that must be addressed. If you are an individual
choosing to support on the basis of this text, then you are aware of the supplemental
support required for this occupation. You, in particular, are needed to reach out to those
who you think can fulfill a needed role. With some consideration, please feel free to share
what I have shared with you.
We need the support of:
Persons Within Focal States Who Cannot Vote: Be the first movers, ruminate on current
world trends and experience the associated feelings. Dont worry too much about what
your sign looks like. At a minimum: Cardboard, Sharpie, #IHaveASafetyPin,
#MyElectionStory, #StopElectionFraud, #OccupyThePolls, #DemocracySpring, and
finally: Persistence and presence = frequency and volume = political pressure. Also,
bring some selfie equipment if you have it and the means to start start social media push.
Advocates: Educate. Watchdog. Bring supplies. Substitute for protesters who might want a
break. After some experience, develop a means for protesters to call your attention when
they need assistance.
Artists: Do what you can to direct attention to the occupation. Ensure that you are framing the
occupation correctly, in a peaceful light.
Engineers: Design very inexpensive signs which can be assembled quickly and with a

minimum of tools. These designs must contain very clear first steps. Share these designs
through social media, link the designs to the movement with #IHaveASafetyPin,
#MyElectionStory, #StopElectionFraud, #OccupyThePolls, and #DemocracySpring.
Graphic Designers: A logistical problem with the signs is cost and the potential necessity of
on-site production. Share designs through social media, link the designs to the movement
with #IHaveASafetyPin, #MyElectionStory, #StopElectionFraud, #OccupyThePolls, and
Social Media Users: Trend this with a huge push within a few hours of its start.
Web Developers: This occupation must be captured on the internet. The use of QR codes is
necessary to the theme of ID, citizenry, and inherent human rights.
There should be no fine print to Democracy!
Share Share Share!
Part II
Part II seeks to draw a continuity between Part I and a global response contingency.
Ask: What kind of world are we becoming? In The United States, we are witnessing the
fundamental ethics of Democracy settle closer to an antithesis of Democracy. Presently,
the platform on which these ethics are demonstrated wanes in trustworthiness. People are
physically observing what is happening.
If you are apprehensive about taking action, consider repetition throughout history. There
are persistently recurring sets of outcomes and sets of motions, our movement is gaining
volume and our desired outcome is within the reach of history. To engage is to grasp the
power of a present phenomenon; we cannot allow our oppressors to harness our power. If
any government is put on auto-pilot, it tends to resolve its citizenry as less than equals.
The components of change through focus: Persistence and presence and focus =
frequency and concentration = change. Frequency needs to be in balance with the reality
of our circumstances. We increase the frequency up to the point of large scale constancy.
The Issue Of Our Unconcentrated Energy
This is how the establishment became complacent: Overconfidence in their controlled
dissemination of information. They did not correctly adjust for the internet. The power of
communication has now out-driven slow-to-change governments. A governments power
is not in their bureaucracy, not in their stature, and not in their cultural meddling.
Government is quite small, it consists of individuals, their presence is magnitudes
smaller than ours.
We do not allow ourselves to perceive our governments as unchanging structures. This

perception of the unchanging monumental structure has repeatedly harmed humanity. It

generates propaganda and leads us on crusades.
We will not give governments the liberty to define us. We determine our own cultures.
We freely express our human rights without persecution. We do not let others tell us who
to hate or who to attack. We freely love others where it is our human right to love. We
have reasonable access to communication and information without the risk of
We have moved beyond an era of slow information dissemination. We are within an era
of rapid information dissemination. Our means of communication has, without a doubt,
outpaced government capacity to react in a meaningful way. We must fully realize this.
This is the first time in history that citizens across Earth can unanimously collaborate
without barriers.
Our Troubling Obstacle
There are mathematical models which accurately predict species growth and collapse,
these models predict nature with marked success. We are beings who must exist with a
variety of the same scruples and pressures as the rest of the beings on Earth. The
turbulence between technology, the Earth, and all of us is at full force. Given that these
models fit so well: We have time and reality against us.
Yet, these models cannot accurately account for the impact of technology; we must
concentrate our efforts toward the positive impact of our technology. This discourse must
include representatives of every relevant science and philosophy and must be open to
anyone to engage.
No species on Earth has seen the turbulence of so many forces with the option to change
course and avoid disaster. Technology and communication are our boats. We are to
concentrate our energy through focused collaboration and engagement, the sciences in
lockstep. The platform for this is further explained in section: A Structural Analysis Of A
From this point on, this document serves as a path to unify the sciences and politics. My
hope is that this is a helpful guide.
First Actions
After youve read through the entirety of this document, after you have given its contents
some thought, after you have addressed your privacy concerns, after you have decided
that engagement is a human right which you want to actuate....
First (this step can be skipped, but it is an important step) silently cast your support

sending a Twitter request to @j0rTJQme3XON5prVrmjP, the account is set to private. If

you do not have a Twitter account, your next action is to create one, then come back and
reread this paragraph. This provides an easy option for engagement and a means collect
overall support.
While engaging these next actions, it is important to try to work on individual emails to
individual persons as much as possible. If sending a group message, make sure that
everyone is a fitting recipient of this document.
Open a new email draft.
Next, attach this document to the email.
Next, the body of your email:
1: Personalize your message to your recipients. Let them know that it is you. Let them
know that you personally see merit to these motions.
It is I.... I want to see expressions of good will upheld. I want to engage technology with
realistic resolve. I want to work with others to solve global issues. I want to see free
communication between peoples. I want to talk about our histories and how our histories
have affected our personal lives. And I want to talk about the heavy logistics regarding
climate change.
2: Share any currently relevant directives. But, continue to share if there are no current
directives. Outcomes and motions are not always clear.
3: Give a brief summary of this document.
The document Ive attached is a description of a structure to engage world issues, and a
description of some steps to get us there. Its a description of a platform which gives a
voice to our motions and a means to find unity between science, communications, and
4: Give a directive to your recipients regarding the dissemination of this document.
I plant this document like a seed on a hill with hope of fruit. After reading the attached
document, I implore you to do the same!
Next, think about who would be receptive to this email. Scrutinize. And remember, be
careful with group emails.
Without obvious initial benefit, passing this information along yields returns. Kevin
Bacon is within six interpersonal relationships of any given person (search: Six Degrees
of Kevin Bacon), engineers are more plentiful than Kevin Bacon.
The Structure (Who We Need)

At a minimum:
An inclusive community. Volume is the substance of our motions. We need the youth. The
elderly. Persons of every demographic. Supporters of any candidate. Supporters of any
spirituality. Persons within focal areas. And, activists.
Academics: Consider the types of research which should be pursued. Consider the
hiding of research behind pay walls. This is contrary to the expansion of
information and technology and it must be cast out! Inform us on the nature of
corporate influences, their methods, and viable responses. Help us to direct the
flow of information away from extreme concision. Aid your fellow academics in
discourse, respond where your call is needed.
AGI Researchers: Calling out all future of humanity organizations in respect to our
trajectory toward an AGI.
Artists: Ease productive thoughts into the consideration of our peers.
Cryptographers: What protections do we need to establish? Aid academics, computer
scientists, mathematicians, and programmers in fully understand the unique nature
of security and identity verification.
Computer Scientists and Mathematicians: Contributions to feed into consultations on
technology and technologys impact on Earth. Aid the programmers and
cryptographers. Consult on the the bleeding edges of your fields. Be the means to
analyze data in research. We can be ahead of this game.
Documenters: People who are willing to document anything that can be used as
evidence that we are not belligerent. Must work in teams, and must be willing to
create and share video recordings.
Economists: Inform on solutions and inform on what has worked through history. Feel
free to propose radical ideas.
Engineers: What are the considerations for rebuilding the infrastructure of our world?
What tools do we have that will help us? What tools do we need to develops. What
logistical problems do we need to overcome? Give aid to other supporters who
have engineering needs.
Graphic Designers: Our motions must carry legitimacy. Branding, cost of production,
and artistic support for activists is necessary.
Hackers: What considerations are there in regards to the hackability of governments?
How do we account for this? Specifically calling out the Hacker News
Linguists, Syntax Specialists, and Artificial Language Enthusiasts: Collaborate with
mathematicians, programmers, and computer scientists in creating a descriptive
syntax to be used to codify concepts in such a way that is fully understandable and
readable by humans, but is also executable by a computer. This syntax must be
adaptable. This syntax to be a core function to section: A Structural Analysis Of A
Lawyers: Defend people as a unit. Work together. Help us communicate with our
Others: This is an open invitation!
Photographers: Capture the legitimacy, size, and feeling of our motions.

Politicians: Push acceptance of alternate voting methods.

Programmers: We must create software and secure databases that will support
reconciliation through redundancy checks and transparency throughout the voting
Scientists And Theorists: Guide us through discourse and action plans.
Social Media Experts: Engagement with social media is one of our tools, we must use
it well.
Those In The Sustainable Agriculture Movement: We need your experience and input.
Figure out how to respond to rapid ecological change. Work with mathematicians
to find models which provide at a minimum subsistence level living to Earths
Rationalists: Alert us when we are subjecting ourselves to detrimental cognitive biases,
help us create a simple model of heuristics which can serve as a guide. We need to
start broadcasting what you have to say. Specifically calling out the
Translators: Translate the intent and spirit of this document into your language, and
Web Developers: Provide the means for our initiatives to be represented.
The Problem
Current research dissemination platforms repeat these problems with every publication:
The research is presented in a publication layout (ever try converting a research
paper PDF into an ePub or simply linear text?)
Data are not stored in a data array (tables are static, values and functions used are not
clear or represented in a searchable format)
Graphs and other aids are stored as images rather than vector functions
Functions per axis or table range are not reduced to a standardized, searchable,
Linkage of ideas, categories, subjects, functions, and what-have-yous across research
is cumbersome
Descriptions within the research are not clearly separated as nested descriptions. That
is: the boundaries between descriptions are not clear. Or, when fuzziness is inherent
in the subject, then the degree of fuzziness is unclear.
A means to coherently discuss the research
The process of peer review is nearly invisible; the discourse during the process of
peer review is mostly unavailable; "reviewers" are basically anonymous and there is
no simple way to reference their contributions to other peer reviews
There is no seamless way to reconcile information within research to other research:
it can be needlessly difficult to conduct redundancy checks between studies. This
process is a component of the present peer review process, but current research is not
set up for continuous peer review. The processes is invisible and gives no room for
research to just evolve and branch out on its own.
Matching data between hosts: Maybe this is silly but there is no good process to

determine if my physical copy of a journal has no errors.

These issues by their necessity to the current platform create resistance to the expansion
of our scientific knowledgebase. The dissemination of knowledge must be completely
open and standardized. The issues here expressed inform the remedys structure, syntax,
means of access, a means for discourse, and a means to represent people.
Starting now, it is important that this principle be upheld: An entity can never obtain more
than one ID.
A Structural Analysis Of A Problem
The problem, as described, is a lot like government but with higher profit margins. The
remedy involves individuals from multiple disciplines working together to put into
motion the solution.
This document serves to create the viral vessel to bring us together.
We must create the means to seamlessly collaborate our research and to share our
research. We must unify science and our responses to ecological, cultural, and
technological trends. We must unify our responses to those trends and the actions of our
governments. Full circle, we must unify our governments and our commands. We need a
structure to comprehensively advise our next actions in resolving world issues.
We must create an open platform to demonstrate research upon, the current platform
being research journals and other publications. Also, there is a need for a secure platform
to represent the culture of the internet and to support the expansion of knowledge. There
is a need to set the conditions for the coherent cataloging and referencing of ideas, to
accommodate our expanding knowledgebase.
No person to be excluded from access to this knowledgebase. Access will come with the
full capacity to contribute and create. Restrict distribution of IDs in such a way that no
entity more than one ID. This is the link between science, communications, and politics.
This is a pre-proof of concept expressed as an informal flow of logic.
...A new bbs...
...something almost exactly like a .torrent file...
...a peer-to-peer protocol, a means to collectively yet independently, in great
synchronicity, network our information...
...information within this system is either a location or syntax or content...
...all entries start with the location of the entry itself...
...location is generated by combining all relevant IDs and the sequence number...
...this allows for a predicable means to sequence entries...
...syntax contains content, content can contain syntax... an expansive syntax for causes and effects, must include syntax for tables, text,

vectors, and functions...

...syntax must be substantial enough a platform to describe theories, readable by humans
and computers...
...convert descriptions of theories and models into this syntax...
...content: everything else. Content type declared in the containing syntax, the rules of the
contents interpretation either declared from within the container or referenced from
elsewhere. Content to frequently be code, raw information, executables...
...content can reference and use the syntax of any other entry...
...within content, referenced syntax can contain content referencing syntax from another
...content can hold computation within objects... easy means to conduct p2p computation...
...objects can have any combination of inputs and outputs, objects can be of any size...
...computation within objects is propelled by a computation scheme, computed by the
individual computers hosting the content...
...thus [de|a]scends the nesting nature of this structure...
...content can hold entirely different location schemes, but must still use the same
sequencing scheme... does one maintain a coherent reference-ability of syntax within entries... answer that question I must describe the means to sequence the entries themselves...
...the sequencing scheme is: Start at 0, every new entry attaches to the next unused natural
number using the sequencing scheme, an entity other than the entry creator exists to generate
a sequence of numbers for use by entry creators...
...every entry sequence generator is given a unique ID to append their generated sequence
...EntryCreatorID to append SequenceGeneratorID and Sequence...
...another sequence generator, this one generates creator IDs. This sequence generator
must have a unique ID as well...
...[EntryCreatorID] can choose any [Sequence-GeneratorID] for any given entry...
...the creation and operation of any GeneratorID entity must be done with utmost
transparency and fairness...
...any new ID sequenced must follow the sequencing scheme...
...develop a type of scientific notation to describe large sequence numbers...
...all of this allows for a synchronization system without the requirement of a mediaries
for coordination...
...this system is a little like the Dewey Decimal System...
...this is a numbering system for cataloging and referencing ideas...
...everything is sequenced in binary...
...entries are never allowed to be edited, revisions are submitted as a subset to the entry... is possible for entries to be forgotten if nobody else looked at the entry...
...meaning if the entry exists on more than one computer, it cannot be forgotten until it is
deleted from each computer...
...merely looking at entries temporarily stores the entry onto the lookers computer...

...we each specify how we like to retain such information on our computers by default...
...every entry is actually a complicated number. [location].[syntax][content]. Thats,
location, decimal point, syntax, and content...
...every single bit has an inherent location ID, its value and distance from the decimal
...more on that later...
...discussions to fit within the format of this structure...
...creators can choose a sequence generator to use...
...this is an information space. A data-web. A model with infinitely interconnecting parts
and the potential to accommodate the rapid expansion of knowledge. Its a platform for
discourse, a means to conduct rapid responses to existential risks, and a potential means
to vote...
...And imagine being able to run a query to return all the tables within recorded research
within a specific parameter.
A Vote
We develop a means to verify the authenticity of every vote.
Pledging your support for such a thing does not mean that in the end you wont be able to
cast a vote for a party nominee. Your pledged support says: I will vote via this system if it
gains an equal ratio of support when compared to other contending groups, a mass
request for confirmation of support will be issued at this point.
And for now, until we have to visit non-human rights to vote, only creators can vote.
In Motion
First, we assemble via email. We create two teams: the Cohesive Communications Team
and the Time And Resource Analysis Team
There is no rank, just connections.
The Cohesive Communications Team to push out an initial platform for us to coordinate.
Develop a rudimentary structure of your team and continue to adapt as the project
Time And Resource Analysis Team to direct our intellectual resources.
To participate, email me at, tell me what team you
would like to join. Feel free to request an up-to-date version of this document via email.

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