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In an empty room, a naked man, puts his hand in a bowl with

BLACK INK. He takes it out very slowly as it would be of
another person. He has a big white big bread near the Ink
Bowl. He puts his hand on the white bread, living the mark of
the Hand.
Sint primul, legendarul, enormul,
om. Facil. Sint omul interesat cu
totul si cu totul de nimic, de
nefacut. Imi lipseste inca rostul,
proto-idea si pre-automatismul.
Sint cel care vede lumea din
naintea sa. Am iesit, dintr-o clapa
neagra in sinul sincopelor de seara
si m-am minjit de colturile
cutiilor reverberante, in gurile
lor tot mai putine.


In a small white room, on the white bed sheets put on the
floor, a naked girl is combing her long long hair from behind
with her Left Hand Black. She has her eyes closed. We see on
her lips the mumbling.
Ma numesc Andrei am 26 de ani
pentru ca sub orice cantabila si
subtila producere, fiintele atente,
secreta aluviuni posomorite.
Salveaza pasari ce zboara murind
zilnic pe potecile crude. si daca
ar mai fi fost aceste zboruri
alese, ar sari peste liniile de
zumzet cald al ocolirilor atinse.
She stops her combing and takes her head back
her mouth. She takes out her tongue. Drops of
from a BOYs mouth into hers. She closes her
gentle. And so so softly, like falling into a
lies on the white sheets.

and opens wide

saliva fell
mouth very
sweet sleep she



In a dark long hallway room, between two sets of doors, a
short hair girl, naked, sits in a an armchair, her Right arm
is Ink Black she holds it up. Her eyes are closed. We cans
see on ther lips mubling.
Ma numesc Andrei, si am sub orice
aripa sectiuni abrazive pe salciile
deschise, inspre subtele produceri
ale motoarelor oprite in zorii
zilelor de ieri. Fiecare fiinta,
goala, atenta, secreta,
divizionara, atrage prin ea pasari
muribunde, senine, celeste
firisoare de catapetesme solare.
Zboruri, unice, prime, sar peste
linii oblice, aduse in paminturile
zumzetelor calde al ocolirilor
She easily puts her Black hand on her pussy and starts
getting out a red thread. She puts it around her head and
eyes. And then she leans her head back and drips of blood
start felling on her mouth. She opens it. Opens it wide. For
the blood to come into her mouth.
A BOYs mouth drips blood from above.
She almost fells/slides from the chair and kneels down with
her forehead to the ground and arms up high. Her breathing is
fast and difficult.
She has crystals on her spine, glittering colorful in the low
light. There is a big red transparent stone.


Light red in the room.
In a cluttered red room, a naked boy on a red carpet that is
put over a cluttered bed, has his eyes closed. With a pen he
draws circles over his body, white/yellow circles. Very
careful very softly, being attentive to every little move of
the pen. we can see on his lips mumbling.


Ma numesc Andrei, am 26 de ani,
pentru ca in interioul oricarei
cautabile dezintoxicatii,
fenomenele sint fiinte
inconstiente, aluviuni posomorite
ce salveaza pasarile moarte din
ratiile zilnice ale potecilor
He circles himself, from his anus onto his cock up his body
to his forehead and top of the head. Then on his back down to
his anus again.
A pair of hands touch his face and body from behind. He
stops. The hands lie back his head and drip in his mouth
drips of cum.


[chimopar, in spate, intre caldiri]
BOY comes with a big big round stone and throws it on the
ground. From their mouths each one, Justine, Emily, Marc put
on the stone what they have in their mouths, saliva, blood,
cum, as the mouth gave it to them.
The Stone becomes a bread and the Three take with their eyes
closed and Black Hand, in the same time pieces from the
bread. They put it in their mouth and eat it. Their eyes
open. Their hands clear of the blackness.
We see 3 eyes, one eye from each. [split screen]

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