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Fabiola Rangel

April 22, 2016

Comm 114
Chapter 10 Journal
My family communication pattern is the balance split pattern. Yes! I think relationship is in the
workplace are good thing because there nice to each other and seeing them more often. One
example could be that because they are working together with other coworkers they are forced
to be more cordial. So if they have any relationship drama, they need to keep it under control in
the workplace. Its a good thing if they have busy life they see each other at work.
I see my peer mentor Bekah all the time. The need Bekah fulfills is that she helps me with
my work and study on communication vocab. I helped Bekah with Spanish words a few times.
For example Bekah doesnt know any Spanish words, so after she helps me with my notes for
Communication, I help her with Spanish. I am fluent in Spanish. So we are able to trade off our
Contact is when youre first meeting a person. Because of this, I think that Eros would be
present in the contact stage. Eros is love at first sight. Therefore in the contact stage you are
making first impressions so you might think you have chemistry with that person. Involvement is
when you are making a connection with someone. I think storge love is present. Storage is
based on friendship. So when you start making a connection with someone, you are building a
friendship. The last stage is intimacy. I think that this stage can have a mix of Eros and storge.
When you are intimate you have that passionate love but you still maintain that connection or
friendship you have built.
At work you talk differently to different people. The first relationship you build is with your
boss. It is important to keep a professional relationship with your boss by being respectful,
having manners, and only talk about work. This is called friendship of association because you
have only become friends with a work environment. With co-workers it is important to also be
professional at work. Its ok to be friends with co-workers, but friendship at work takes time.

When you become friends and start meeting up outside of work is called friendship of
reciprocity. Both you and the coworker want to become friends. The last type of relationships is
friendship of receptivity. This happens when one co-worker wants to be friends outside of work
and the other does not. Sometimes it causes conflict that has to be solved.

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