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I receive from the Center (Lung 1- Zhong Fu/Receive from
the Center), its nourishment. This nourishment creates the
clouds (Lu 2- Yun Men/Cloud Gate). Clouds ripple down
from heaven (LU 3-Tian Fu/Celestial Storehouse), our way
to connect with the ancestral Qi. Within this lineage
(Lu 4-Xia Bai/Guarding the White), Xia means a knight who
defends the poor.
Metal stands for morality/honor/filial-piety. Due to respect, we
have honor. Lu 4 represents this. Gallantry comes from metal.
Out of metal, comes a gem.
Lu 5 (Chi Ze/Cubit Marsh) Chi = foot/the Kidneys. Ki gives
us things to purify. Lung is about purification too. Lu 5 = the
Marsh = what is given to us = our challenges..some things to
purify, etc. This begins the process of looking at life and who is
around you. The exterior terrain is a measure of what is
happening inside.
Looking outside, what in you is reacting to the exterior; this is
what is happening to you. This is Lu 6. (The name for Lu 6 is
Kong Zui = a collection bowl.) Looking at the sequences
which occur.
Lu 7 (Lie Que/Broken Sequence) is a break in the sequence
where we reflect on our life. What are my common themes?
What have I placed into my life what I cant resolve in the
ditch, the closet, and the garage.that I cannot let go of?
Lu 8 (Jing Qu/Channel Ditch) the ditch.
Lu 9 (Tai Yuan/Great Abyss) as I separate things out, can I
see the mystery of life. Endless possibilities and then at that
border of believing that this is all it is..
Lu 10 Yu Ji/Fish Border. Fish live in a certain world.and
looking up they ask is there anything above us? What extends
beyond the horizon? Maybe at that point of awe, stop and
listen to the sound of this existence. A glimpse.
Lu 11 (Shao Shang/Lesser Metal) a sound.
Therefore the Lungs tell us what life is about. How do we make
something of turbidity? To understand the mystery / the
treasures of life?

Recognize the gift of the lung channel.

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