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eecoo ara = 3:57 PM er ‘Samsung Mobile US Done @SamsungMobileUS La Srna nee ars eee ta Ec teers) Presence tat minerals. While learning about conflict minerals we OUR anes DY RUS eR nod Ds ce mR) ren eaat hy US Te une Hello Apple. | have seen that you are trying to cut down on using are u making to stop using conflict materials in your PUMA RC Cau electronics. How have you been GaP TeMMGD working on cutting down entirely on conflict materials? What have you been using instead of the conflict materials to make your phones, tablets, ect? Thanks. Have a nice day! ©) Wite a message ° Ct | have noticed that Apple is not a conflict mineral free company. What are you doing as a company to make your company 100% conflict mineral free Like « More - 15 minutes ago Ye ma ce be ‘Sais mcrae” Cahir we tasd nes choy sc a Sp pa Palen me he ney apne ah Sra ang Al poco ha tae to ogc acon tte ante tp se beroe 1 cnt ot mre te fsbo Ths ee se ey carne onde over shange Than Describe Your Question or Is Dear Nintendo, =z Inve recenty be researching something called confictmmnerals | vas wondering what 6 atthem you have inyou product, because you havenotbeen reporting tem. ifyou are using lato hem. | would ike to know what you are planning io dota reduce / eliminate them. Many people disagree with confi minerals being in producs, and | would lie to know now ofen you use tem. love my orginal Wii to being wit, but| would loveita whole ot more there were no eontctmineraisnvolwecin making I. ‘Your Question: Subject” (cone Resouces Product Flask Drve Cruzer Pro USB 3.) uestion= ‘am conlscing you about your products adhe cont vescurces thal you use to make have producie, Recent Gta shows thatyur company i= ‘enviet a uni prety nah conpate oir compares naugh Iwas Wonderng Reu ya wllbeceme 10O% conic aera ee. Cone! ‘als ate ening counties ha ee engaged some Ve evoke by provid Thney To support Mee purchases of Weep and ears 1S Sash ot 109% cot neal flee and what are you dang cuenty To save tis ongong Ssue enc feduce of etme you use oes Fnitetals?I thankyou for you tine and hope lo eet back ram you ‘ Conflict Mineral Usage To Whomever It May Concer, Hello | am a student at Rustin High School, and today we learned about conflict ‘minerals that are being used in many products we use today. Since | own an iPhone, | would like to know how much of your iPhones contain conflict minerals. Also, what are you doing to improve this number, and ideally get it to 096? Thank you for your time, LT uae wondering vhy your company 42 not 108% conflict mineral free, Te makes me wonder i¥ your company Sust cares bout money or u actually care about your consunars. also I wanted to know 4F thair $= anything you are doing to cry and Liminate or reduce your use of conflict minerals. Dees your company care about the people uo nerk to get these nerals ar do you, Like T sald, Just care about the money. Thanks for ansvering ay questions suect* Confer wines Mossago* He, 90 X A a wendexng you oul ll me wy sore of Your products eon cntit riers. Why ae jour products nc 100% fe of conic minerals? Are you Gong anyrng to wy ana reauceetranat ers YOU prOaics? vl Tank You ‘#0000 Verizon > 9:11PM 10% > < Tweet QE = @applenws | was just wondering how many conflict minerals you use and what you are doing to try and reduce the amount of minerals you use. 2/29/16, 9:10 PM AppleMusic why are you using so many conflict materials? What are you doing to cut down on the use of conflict material? Make a change! 4:19 PM Hello! In schoo! | have recently learned about the use of conflict minerals. lwas wondering why your ‘company is stil in use of them, knowing that they “support” African violence in the Congo? Thanks. © Mitear 9 QweRTYUtI OP ASDFGHJKL 169 —seace return < Messages (408) 996-1010 Details Pea ect AS Sena ec Caw eu eatery Sete a eet) eer eed Sree earts eat a ett i product: et oe! Mest es cry Mera rota a ‘Send

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