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Kayla Parker

ED 408
Global Collaboration in the Classroom Webinar

In the Global Collaboration in the Classroom Webinar, what is talked about at the
beginning is making the classroom flat. This is where the students and teachers communicate
across to one another. This is done through community building, collaboration that leads to cocreation, and pedagogical independence and leadership. It also talked about that technology
integration is now a tool to global collaborative objectives.
Global collaboration should be used due to the cultural diversity, cultural awareness, and
glocalisation. Also, it leads to interaction and sharing with the world, collaborative learning, and
the community networking. It states that this can be a domino effect starting with the teachers, to
the students, and finally extended community in order for a better future.
It showed various projects from primary to secondary students building communications
and becoming more cultured through communications with various cultures. It talked about
responsibility about what should and should not be posted on the internet. Not only that, but the
webinar showed technology etiquette and respect through a project students done.
The most important things to take away from the webinar was to realize that learning
does not exist in isolation, in order to collaborate, you have to connect students, and as teachers
we must shift content to context.
The information that I gathered from the webinar for me to use in my future career is that
collaboration is needed. We as teachers already want our students to collaborate in the classroom
with each other, so it would be even better for my students to collaborate at a global scale. This
will be a great way to incorporate diversity into the lesson. As long as my students are reminded
to be responsible digital citizens and that what they post is there forever, having the students
globally collaborate will enlighten them through interaction and allow them to remember more
that way.

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