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1. Install Avast as Trial.

2. Disable Avast self-defense module. [Go to Settings > Troubleshooting and unch
eck the 4th option]
3. Only Windows XP Users have to Run "AVAST XP ZeNiX.reg" file.
4. Copy the file "Version.dll" to both these folders. [c:\Program Files\AVAST So
ftware\Avast\] & [c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup]
5. Delete "Userenv.dll" from above folders if you find any.
6. Enable back the self-defense module.
7. Restart your PC
8. Thanks To Original Uploader ZeNiX *
NOTE: If you are unable to get the things work then just install "Avast License
by ZeNiX.exe" using the password as "ZeNiX".

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