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throwing weapon made of weights on the ends of an interconnected cord.

Bola (volcano), a volcano on the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea.
Bola, Togo.
Bola bola, a gambling game similar to Three-card Monte.
Bola (video game), a 2010 Facebook game developed by Playdom.
The Battle of Los Angeles (album), by Rage Against the Machine.
Darrell Fitton, an electronic musician from Manchester, England, AKA "Bola" and "Jello".
Tatar spelling of Bula River.
Bolae, an ancient city of Latium, Italy.
Bola tie, or "Bolo tie", a type of necktie consisting of a piece of cord fastened with an
ornamental bar or clasp.
Rola bola, a plank on a cylinder on which a person balances.
Cyclone Bola, a severe 1988 Pacific cyclone.
Bola de Ouro, a Brazilian association football award.
Bola (tabloid), an Indonesian sports newspaper.
Bola (pregnancy bell), a bell worn by pregnant women to soothe the unborn child. Also
called harmony bell.

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