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to educa,on
No end in sight to the decline

25 April 2016

Global Ac,on Week

Cost of mee,ng educa,on SDG

Total annual nancing gap to achieve universal pre-primary,
primary and secondary educa@on of good quality is projected at
$US21 billion in LICs and $US39 billion in LICs/LMICs in 2015-30
Compared with ini@al levels, aid would increase 7-fold

Aid to educa,on fell in 2014

Aid to educa@on fell by 4% between 2013 and 2014 to US$13.1
billion (even though total aid increased by 9%)
Aid to basic educa@on fell by 5% (and 14% below 2010 levels
(while aid to secondary educa@on is up 14%)

Contrast between bilateral donors

Bilateral donors reduced aid
to basic educa@on by 12%
Four OECD DAC donors
(France, Japan, Netherlands,
and Spain) reduced aid by 40%
or more
Four OECD DAC donors
(Australia, Finland, Italy, and
Sweden) increased aid by 40%
or more
Top ve donors in 2014

Mul,lateral donors increased aid

Mul@lateral donors increased

aid to basic educa@on by 14%
The World Bank bounced back
from sharp decline of 2012-13
EU remains at the same level
as in 2005
Top ve donors in 2014

Aid to educa,on not well targeted

Share of LICs: aid to educa@on (22%); basic educa@on (28%)
Share of sub-Saharan Africa: in aid to basic educa@on down
from 49% in 2002/03 to 28% in 2014

Aid to educa,on not well targeted

Dispari@es exist also in terms of alloca@ons according to need
In Liberia and Mauritania only 1 in 2 children complete primary
school but Liberia receives 10x the amount of aid per capita


Thank you!

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