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ultralight todo (started 20100205 @ 12:35 cst)

I don't keep track of update times anymore because I don't feel like it.
* do I need header/footer on any other screen?
* fix all hardcoded strings; grab them from languages file instead
* any others?
* use a monospaced font for the clock.
* regen Mentone as Doubleres
[Theme Preferences]
* implement gameplay footer (ScreenGameplay)
[Player Options]
* implement screen filter
* rework this for gametypes
* para (versus)
* techno, pop'n, others?
* stage display doesn't show "Final" on final stage
* per-player SegmentDisplay from moonlight (above percent score if possible)
post v1.0:
* BPMDisplay for steps-based TimingData
* allow for ticks on judgments?
* lifebar does not work on DirectX for some reason
* add screen cover option
* convert danger to a decoration, add some sort of underlay
* add a failed animation
* add something to the other side of the DetailsFrame stuff. but what?
current suggestions include:
* bonus bars (stream, voltage, air, freeze, chaos)
* wrapwidthpixels on the player mods (currently untested)
...what else
needs to be implemented
Input list can get in the way of the control mapping list
## online ##
needs BPMDisplay (SM5 Preview 3+)

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