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- What is audiovisual translation?
- What is dubbing?
- What is subtitling?
- What is the software / multimedia / gaming localisation?
- What is subtitling by respeaking?
- What is respeaking module?
- What is the subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing SDH?
- What is audio description?
- What is research methodology?
- What is cultural translation?


- During the MA do I have to go or visit Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona?
- How much time per week should be spent on the course?
- Can you combine the MA with a job?
- MA schedule and module plannig


- Are there face-to-face tests, or written work to hand in?
- Which is the evaluation system?
- What languages are used?

- PC and software requirements?
- Level of English is required?
- Should I have a degree BA in Translation Studies?
- Should I have a BA?


- What acreditation is obtained and what is the validity?

- I am a student of the previous edition of the Master, I can spend the European Master?
- I am entitled to previous editions of the Master, what do I have to do to get the European Master?
- Can I make the payment in installments?
- Do you offer scholarships for this program?
- What forms of payment are available?
- Can I "unenrolling"?
- I don't have access to all modules. Do I have to see them all? I can enroll only a certain number of

- What is audiovisual translation AVT?
The translation of any material in audio, visual or audiovisual format. Dubbing, subtitling,
localisation, and media accessibility (audio description, subtitling fior the deaf and hard of hearing)
are some of the most common techniques. nd oral or written) with sound and image. The four major
aspects that are included in this section are subtitling, dubbing, software localization and
multimedia, and audio description.

- What is dubbing?
Dubbing is the process of translation, adaptation and recording of a film/TV soundtrack to create the
feeling of "illusion" that the characters "talks" in the target language. There are four large dubbing
countries in Europe: Italy, France, Germany and Spain. The rest of the EU countries use either
subtitling or voice-over (lektoring).

- What is subtitling?
The process and the result of translating the dialogues from a film, opera, etc. and showing the
translated dialogues in writing on the screen -- which may varied from a cinema to a PDA or an

- What is software / multimedia / videogame localisation?
When a software product is sold in other countries, it undergoes a translation of the linguistic
elements, but also an adaption to the needs of its intended market. The idea behind it is to make the
product "local" and accepted and marketed successfully.

- What is subtitling by respeaking?
It is a methodology to create subtitles through Speech Recognition software. The subtitler speaks
and the speech is converted to text. It usually takes place in the same language, that is English >

- What is subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing SDH?
SDH are subtitles usually created within the same language (intralingual subtitles) where the text
not only displays what is spoken, but also displaying a semantic account of what is broadcast on the
program, from music to special effects or any particular characteristics of the speech such as tone
of voice, accents and foreign languages, the sound of the voice. Who says what must also be
indicated in SDH and the discursive elements displayed in the image (letters, legends, posters, etc.).

- What is audio description?
Audio description (AD) is the descriptive technique of inserting audio narration, explanations and
descriptions of the settings, characters, and actions taking place in a variety of audiovisual media,
when such information about these visual elements is not offered in the regular audio presentation.
This ad hoc narrative can be created for any media representation: dynamic or static, i.e. from a
guided city tour of Barcelona or a 3D film, to a Picasso painting. Its function is to make audiovisual
texts available to all in order to avoid the risks of excluding a large sector of society whose needs
require this special service to palliate their sensorial difficulties for reasons of health or age. There is
a vision underpinning accessible services, such as AD: e-inclusiveness. E-inclusiveness is more
than just assistive technologies in the form of access services in programmes produced specifically
for those with disabilities. The vision has its basis in various treaties and legislation across the world
recognising the right to access media content as a human right. It is based on the tenet that, in a
society where individuals are diverse in nature, we share a collective responsibility to be socially
inclusive. Access services are a means of doing this, and AD is one of these services.

- What is research methodology?
Research methodology refers to a set of techniques, methods and tools to conduct scientific
research in a specialized field. In this Degree.

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