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Rachel Moranty

Mr. Logan
Honors Issues
31 January 2016
Honors 21st Century Issues Newspaper Research
Title: Is South Africa's education system really 'in crisis'?
Date: 29 January 2016
Location: South Africa is in the southern part of africa and south of Botswana.
Summary: Angie Motshekga (South Africa's minister of education) said that South Africas
education system is in crisis on January 29 2016. Money is not the problem because South
Africa already spends more on education than any other African country. However students are
dropping out and 213,000 students failed their final exam out of 800,000. This is happening
because of racism and poor teaching. A white student is six times more likely to get into a
university than a black student. The teachers are not coming to work for parts of the week. This
lack of teaching means the students miss out on months and years of learning. The students are
also at a disadvantage because there are 11 languages in South Africa, so students have great
difficulty interpreting questions. There is still hope because there are schools in worse
conditions that pass 100% of their students. The minister believes that if everyone helps, the
school education system will get better.
Impact: This news doesnt impact the United States because it is an education problem in South
Africa not in the U.S. The U.S could help the situation by sending in teachers or training

teachers. That act might affect the U.S education System because there would be a loss of
teachers. The loss of teachers might get U.S. citizens angry and a political battle could occur.

Title: Sudan's President orders border with South Sudan open, state media reports
Date: Thursday January 28, 2016
Location: Sudan is in northern Africa located south of Egypt.
Summary: The president of Sudan (Omar al-Bashir) ordered the South Sudan border to open on
Wednesday January 27, 2016. The two countries were fighting over oil when they decided to
make a border between them. This border caused South Sudan to have a shortage in food. Omar
al-Bashir ordered the border to open and is now under arrest for alleged genocide and war crimes
in Darfur, western Sudan.
Impact: This news doesnt really impact the United States because if a problem were to occur, it
would happen in Sudan. If a big enough problem like riots were to happen, The U.S might get
involved. Then The U.S would be impacted because we could go into war and that would affect
our currency.

Title: Ethiopia in 'Strong Position' to End Aids By 2030
Date: 4 January 2016
Location: Ethiopia is in central Africa and north of Kenya.
Summary: Dr Alebachew Achamyeleh (director of Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control
Office (HAPCO) believes that Ethiopia will end HIV as a public threat by 2030. Ethiopia has
already maxed their previous goal of reducing new HIV infections to 0.14% from 0.28% by

0.11%. Ethiopia have focused on targeting people most at risk like hot spots for sex workers. To
reach their goal by 2030, they need to focus on addressing the youth. The youth of Ethiopia
believe HIV is not a risk anymore, so prevention activities were included in school programs.
Impact: This news does impact the U.S because people affected with HIV in Ethiopia can still
make their way to America and affect americans. Its good that Ethiopia has reduced HIV
infections, but if HIV wasnt a public threat to Ethiopia; the less of a threat it would be to the

Title: The Kenyan slum where musical prodigies are made
Date: Tuesday January 19, 2016
Location: Kenya is in central Africa located west of Somalia.
Summary: Elizabeth Njoroge (director of Ghetto Classics) believes that the classical musical
program called Ghetto Classics that she helped create will help kids in Kenya to succeed in
life. The program started in 2009 and now teaches 300 children every week and provides a free
tuition. The program is made up of a brass band and string ensemble. They receive instruments
from donations and proceeds from the Safaricom Jazz Festival. The kids practice every Sunday.
They have even received national recognition through TV and the radio. The community use to
laugh at Ghetto Classics, but now are very proud of it. Njoroge is just trying to help kids have
an important life skill and find themselves through music. She also believes this program will
make very big steps in the right direction in 20 years.
Impact: This news might impact the U.S if the Kenyan students succeed to be professional
musicians. This could impact the number of american musicians that perform professionally
causing job wars. This could also impact what artist americans listen too in the future. These

students could be so good that they could be the next Beethoven and impact future American and
world history.

Title: First-Time Homebuyers Find Affordable Units in Kenya
Date: January 29, 2016
Location: Kenya is in central Africa located west of Somalia.
Summary: Only one-tenth of Kenyas population earned enough money to support a mortgage in
2011. However on the outskirts of Nairobi, apartment units are being sold before construction
because the one-bedroom units are being sold for $10,000-$80,000. Only one-fifth on Kenyans
can afford $10,000 properties because of bank high interest rates.
Impact: These new apartments dont have that much impact on the U.S. They may impact the
number of refugees from Africa that come to America. Now that these apartments are being
built, more Kenyans could have homes and jobs (for construction); so less immigrants are forced
to make the hard journey to America.

Works Cited (In Order)

Nkosi, Milton. "Is South Africa's Education System Really 'in Crisis'? - BBC
News." BBC News. BBC, 29 Jan. 2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
Hume, Tim, and Kevin Wang. "Sudan's Border with South Sudan to Open -"
CNN. Cable News Network, 28 Jan. 2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.

Beyene, Befekadu. "Nation in 'Strong Position' to End Aids By 2030." AllAfrica, 04 Jan. 2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
Hancock, Colin, and Thomas Page. "The Kenyan Slum Where Musical
Prodigies Are Made -" CNN. Cable News Network, 19 Jan. 2016.
Web. 31 Jan. 2016. <>.
"First-Time Homebuyers Find Affordable Units in Kenya." VOA. N.p., 29 Jan.
2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2016. <>.

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