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The thing Im most proud of is that I won 2nd place at State

Competition on April 19th, 2016. I am a part of FHA-Hero; The

California Affiliate of FCCLA and through the club I won 1st place
at Regional, which allowed me to compete at State and from
State I won 2nd which allows me to compete at Nationals.
I competed in Fashion Design, winning 2nd place got me a
trophy and a scholarship to The Art Institute. Even though The
Art Institute isnt my choice of college, I was still very humbled to
receive the scholarship. I worked very hard on my project and
there was a lot deal of stress that I put on myself while I was
working on it, presenting it to the judges, and wondering what
place I got when it got closer to the Award Ceremony. However,
through all the stress and pressure I was relieved enormously
when I heard my name being called 2nd and was in doubt a little
bit, then I became extremely proud that I completed my project all
by myself with no help from family or teachers.

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