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Justin Valdes

LEI 4724
Activity: Long Word/ Short Word
Source: Therapeutic Recreation Activities & Tx Ideas: Cognitive Activities. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 03, 2016, from
Equipment needed: large board to write on in front of group
Activity Description:
1. Write a very long word up at the top of a large ""chalk"" board i.e.
PERSONIFICATIONS"". Have the participants call out new words that can be made
from the long word, using three or more of the letters (example: person, note, price, etc.).
Write them all down as they're called out and see how many they can come up with.
2. This activity can be done with a medium to large group from about 10-20 people. Since
everyone can participate simultaneously, the participants would not feel as if theyre put
on the spot and make them more willing to participate and challenge their cognitive
Leadership Considerations:
1. When working with individuals with hearing loss, one way that I would facilitate
communication for them is to give them a sheet of paper and pencil and have them write
down the word they come up with and use body language to show them that they are
doing a good job for their active participation. Also, because other complications such as
vision loss I would provide these participants with instructions that they can read so they
are fully aware of whats going on.
2. A symptom that may hinder a person living with Traumatic Brain Injury is the ability
to use fine motor skills to be able to write the word they come up with. In this case I
would provide the participant with an alphabet board and communicate to him to spell the
letter out using his finger.

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