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The first video with Aimee Mullins had a few messages in it.

In the beginning, the message that

I received was that in our attempts to be respectful, we lose some of our curious nature. The children,
for example, are not asking questions to be rude or hurtful, they a just curious to know more. Another
message that I briefly caught was that just because someone has a disability, does not mean that they
cannot be beautiful. The last message I received was that the general population is starting to see
disabilities in a new light, one in which a disability may even be an advantage.
In the second video with Tim Urban, I caught one main message that he conveyed. The message
that I heard was that procrastination can happen in all aspects of our lives, not just those dealing with
school or work. Also that the types of procrastination outside of school or work can be very dangerous
because they can lead to depression or a lack of fulfillment.
The last video with Helder Guimaraes had one message that I was able to catch on to. I believe
that they message was that things that we often interpret as coincidences, may actually have more
meaning to them than we think. We should keep our eyes open and analyze situations more than just
brushing them off as mere coincidences.

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