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Statistical Physics Week 5 Tutorial Problem 1 A thermodynamic variable is called extensive i it scales with the size of the system, and intensive if it does not. If we have some extensive variables x‘ and intensive variables y’, a function J(', y) is extensive if F(t!) = f(a, y’) and intensive if f(Ae*, y!) = f(a’, y’). ‘A. Let’s start with an easy example, Consider a container of fluid with mass m and volume V, which are both extensive variables because they scale with the size of the system. Using the definition above of ‘an intensive vs. extensive function, state whether the density p = m/V is intensive or extensive, and justify your answer. B. In each pair of thermodynamic variables (5,7), (p, V), and (1,N), one is intensive and one is extensive For each pair of variables, state which is which. C. Is the energy # an intensive or extensive function? Verify your answer for a monatomic ideal gas. D, The Helmholtz Free Energy F is given by F = E — TS. Is F intensive or extensive? B, The Gibbs Free Energy @ = F + pV = E—TS + pV. Is G intensive or extensive? F. Using the First Law of Thermodynamics di = TdS — pdV + dN, write the differential dG of the Gibbs Free Energy. What are the natural variables for G, and which are intensive and extensive? G. What is (06/0N)y.2? H. Ifa extensive function f is a function of one extensive variabler and arbitrarily many intensive variables , how must f depend on 2? I. Use your answers to the previous three parts to write an expression for the Gibbs Free Energy as a function only of and N. Problem 2 Recall that the partition function of a monatomic ideal gas is given by vs r 2y = Fa yan OrmkoT)N" |A. Find the Helmholtz Free Energy F, and use Stirling's approximation In Vt =~ Nin N ~ N to deal with the factorial Find the chemical potential a(W,V,7) of an ideal gas by taking an appropriate derivative of F. » C. Use the expressions you just derived to check the intensivity or extensivity of F and p. Week S Tides ( Prolene ( \ A\ pry ‘Ss ideasive. | sce x a - 8 Cl) Eis extersve. For anid ges, E= GMT, so EQw7)=€- D\ Fis cplusse, suce EdS ac, al Tos mt ay GCs ertisac, SVK Favare, and p oe € \ £6 dE-TIS-SIT 49. VO a . “SET Vp 4. ON Ww . OA LE TAY EQ 8) mesh be ofthe frm Fe x39), | G: Clg ND Nf), a Int Next ™ En [eos | Probe d | Sif A\ Fs ~lsT log EG (deus) “| = —NMeT ls] SET | +(N lash OA Sh -1sT| Cis wet). lea( (Oem) )q = Nlei NL? oe ebct) “| - Velen [MMe oN as exke sve! 3 — p= Wat | (un +) sont +e | ‘fst —- zag 1) 1 atest |

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