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Self-talk is the guiding self-dialog that occurs by an individual while

completing a task.
Self-talk is also known as private speech, and are statements made aloud,
whispered or silent to oneself.
Self-talk is based on a theory made by Vygotsky that talking aloud to oneself
while attempting tasks is related to how one prepares and carries out the task.
Self-talk can be a tool for students because it urges the student to focus on
the process of the task.

Self-Talk is important for a few reasons.

Students who use and are

more aware of verbal
strategies are more likely
to strive and complete
challenging tasks.

Self-Instructional strategies
have been shown to be
helpful with difficulties in
math, impulsive behaviors,
problem solving, and
reading comprehension.

Students with Learning

Disabilities are more likely
to make negative self talk
statements, which can
interfere with math

Self talk can make

improvments with
planning, completion, and
perceived difficuly of a

Self talk is a proactive

solution for students
experiencing anxiety.

Self talk can benefit

students with Learning
Disabilities, Emotional
Disturbance, and

Steps to Self - Talk

Introduce Self-Talk
along with
examples of Positive
and Negative


Assessment of the
task- Label and

Recognize any
negative self

Guided Practice

Reinforce for
completion of a
job well done

Confront and
negatives with



Im not good at this

What am I missing?

I give up

I will use some of the strategies Ive learned

This is too hard

This may take some time and effort

I will never be as smart as her

Im going to figure out what she does and try it


I can use Self-Talk with

students to address

Test Anxiety
Long Written Essays
Complex Math Problems
Sport Games
Any type of
Social Interactions

Anderson, A., (1997). Learning strategies in physical education: Self-talk,

imagery, and goal setting. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance.
68, 30-35, doi:10.1080/07909084.1997.10604874
Kamann, M. P., & Wong, B. L. (1993). Inducing adaptive coping self-statements
in children with learning disabilities through self-instruction training. Journal of
Learning Disabilities, 26 (9), 630-638.
Lee, S., & McDonough, A. (2015). Role of self-talk in the classroom:
Investigating the relationship of eight-to-nine-year-olds self-regulatory sefl-talk
strategies with their classroom self-regulatory behavior and mathematical
achievement. Early Child Development and Care, 185, (2), 198-208.
Solley, B. A., & Payne, B. D. (1992). The use of self-talk to enhance childrens
writing. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 19(3), 205-213.

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