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Jesse Hillman

April.25, 2016
2C Guided Practice
Sister Ruchti
Math 108
1.)I want to find out how fast I need to go travel 2 miles at 60 miles per
To make things simpler I will say that I wish to travel one mile in 120
miles per hour.
I know that the first equation rate(time) = 1 hour or distance plus the
second equation or distance or hour is equal to 120/miles per hour or
the whole distance.
So I simply say that 30/hour + x/hour = 120/hour
120-30 = 90 miles per hour.
1.) This question was a little harder for me because it is mostly
visual but I did it with a chart.
I showed each of the hamburgers and put a value of 15 minutes for
each to cook. Then I started to subtract time for each time I would cook
two burgers.
Hamburger A
Cook once 15-10



Time left

5 minutes

15 minutes

Cook twice -5 minutes

-5 minutes

-10 minutes

Time left

5 minutes

Hamburger B

Cook Thrice



I put hamburger C on as soon as the first 10 minutes were over

and took off Hamburger A. Then Hamburger B finished cooking after
the next five minutes and I put Hamburger A back on and then after
another five minutes I took Hamburger A off and let Hamburger C stay
on the grill for another 5 minutes. All in all it was 25 minutes.
2.) So there are Five blue and Five Brown socks now I didnt really
have a equation for this problem I just put it all in a chart and
imagined it.


now if you take two socks out there are only 3 options or pairs of socks
you can pull out.
Option A: 1 blue sock and 1 Brown Sock.
Option B: 1 Blue sock and 1 Blue Sock.
Option C: 1 Brown Sock and 1 Brown sock.
Either way the next sock you pull out will complete one of the pairs or
you will already have a pair.
So the answer is 3 socks because it is the first time that you are
guaranteed to have a pair of socks.
You will either have
Option A: 1 Blue and 1 Brown and 1 Blue
Option B: 1 Blue and 1 Blue sock and 1 Brown sock
Option C: 1 Brown sock and 1 Brown sock and one Blue sock
There are more options but they all lead to you having a pair of socks
that matches after the third sock.
3.) Now this problem of 115 boys and 100 girls ratio in a
275,000,000 is a simple cross multiplication problem.
You find out what 115 boys to 100 girls in a 275,000,000 equation
which is found by
Adding 115 and 100 to find the ratio of boys to the total.
And then you put it down as

(115/215)(X/275,000,000) =215X = 275,000,000(115)

X= 147093023.3 men
And then you find the women and subtract the two
100/215 = Y/275,000,000
215Y = (275,000,000)(100)
Y = 127906976.7 Women
147093023- 127906976.7 = 19186046.6 people

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