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Throughout my early childhood years I was exposed to many types of

art. I enjoyed using clay, paint, and other materials to create and
express myself. It seemed like every extracurricular activity I
participated in reflected some form of art. As a child I participated in
Girl Scouts, Destination Imagination, and Camping activities. Each
organization that I belonged to introduced me to art in one way or
another. Having a constant exposure to art in both home and school
life was a factor toward my chosen career, although I did not know it at
the time. It wasnt until high school that I realized after taking my first
art course that a career in art education became more of a reality. My
success in the following art courses as well as the direction of my art
teacher gave me a sense of accomplishment and mentored me
towards the realization that I was on the right path. After being
accepted to The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth art program, I
experienced many different art and techniques that peaked my
I do not consider myself to me a one media artist. I am an artist that
tries my hand at all types of arts in order to become proficient and be
able to teach students multi media projects. Inspiration and ideas
change, as does knowledge about each medium. Each piece that I
create is a form of art that I have learned about and experienced. I
consider myself a sculptor, a potter, a weaver, a painter, a
photographer, a jewelry maker, a craftsman, a communicator, and an
artist. I feel that being a multimedia artist has made me diverse in
critical thinking skills, problem solving, and giving me a sense of self
while creating. I strongly believe in the quote written by Tracey Emin
Being an artist isnt just about making nice things or people patting
you on the back, its some kind of communication, a message.

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