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Well Test Concepts Introduction The aim of wall testing Is to get Information about a well and about a reservoir. Once the presence of hydrocarbon-bearing-formation is established anc obtained it Porosity, thickness and hydrocarben saturation. Well teat analysia helpa to get the answer of three most important questions: 1. What is the velume of hydrocarbon in the reservoir system? b. Atwhat rate the available hydrocarbon fluid should be: produced at the surface? ©. How much of the fluid can be recovered? Besides It also provides Information abeut following reservoir parametore: 41. Interwell flaw capacity of a reservoir 2. Extent of welll damage 5. Detecting heteragencity with in the pay zone. Answer to the questions and information of resenwolr parameters wi commercial viability of the prospect and is the task of resenvolr anginaer, establish the Well test analysis is @ branch of reservoir engineering. It uses the pressures and rates low through porous media e.g. permeability, fault, MuId Contacte ete. Measuring the variation in pressure versus time. and interpreting them give data on the reservoir and areal extent of @ reservoir and to estimate the volumes of fluid in place. In case of composite system like in-situ combustion, steam flooding er polymer floading, these Feendarnantale of Reservoir Bngincoring i Churacteriwatian Be well tests can accurately predict the swept zone parameters. enabling the engineers to determine the clficacy of the processes. Pressure mensurements can also be inmerpreted to yield quantitative estimation of the well condition. 20 the efficacy of stimulation troatmants on well productivity can bo evaluated. Weill teste do not dimetly provide estimates of permeability, well condition, pore volume etc. Measurement must be analyzed and interpreted using a number of laws of fluid mechanics to arrive at the desired reaul Diffusivity Equation The fundamental basis of transient flow thoory is the diffusivity equation, a differential equation that must be satisfied when fluid flows through porous body under isothermal conditions. When Darcy's law ic applied to continuity equation, an equation, which, i= developed from conservation of mass principle, it gets transformed to diffusivity equation that governs the prossure distribution for flow through porous media. The dorivation of the equation is based on two laws and one equation of state which are: + Darcy taw Vv -Ageaip It le assumed that Darcy's law govems the fluid flow. Darcy's law ie not applicable macroscopically throughout the flow period. It is applicable microscopically during the me interval when the various parameters and flow rate can be considered constant, ‘The gravitational forces are neglected. +) Material Balance It ia assumed that mass of fluid contained in the reservair volume unit fa equal ta the difference between the amount of fluid Input and the output during the time Interval. ve¥ +2 ase) 0 = Equation of State The gravity of the lity OF the fluid Fncdarmentale of Revervair Bnginecring & Characterization a7 The following section will dorive first the continuity equation based on material balance. Before that an attempt is made in the following section to derive a mathematical formulation of what actually happens in a reservalr when a well is flowed, follawing simple mode! and assumptions are needed. It is assumed that: A vertical well of radius ry intercepts @ horizontal formation of constant thickness: fh and of infinite extent. The formation is having uniform perosity @ and Isotropic permeability K. Constant vicconity Genstant total compressipiity G, = The rock propertios are not time dependent. Under these conditions the flow is radial Let us assume wo dimensional flow in the xy plane and consider a contre! volume of contro! volume are ox and dy with unit depth perpendicular to the plane of the paper. Let us alge ascume that gravitational effect i negligible here. Let G be the mass flux and G. and G, be the component of G in X and ¥ direction, rorpectively. pew ab, EC (Gi. 2S a a = «2 rs, . SO sy To. ae + Vase he various equations reflecting the conservation of mare principle for the volume element shown In fig above are: Sento ces, 2S yee + CO OG oo Frencamontals of Rascrvoin angincering a Chamactertan ton = ‘Substituting this in eqn. () we gat 2(E%)-S(438)--(2[ Fundamentals af Reservoir Enginocring & Characterization The above equation Is a nen linear partial differential equation. If we ignore the secand degree torm because of its vary-very small value then becomes 2 2B) P(A) coer 2 al S2E)+ (SG 38)- 7 Thie equation ie a linear equation provided that u ie a constant. If K and 1) are constant. then classical methods of solution can be used to obtain the pressure distribution. The above equation. under these assumptions can be writen as 22p OF py one, ap Oat Dye OR ae ‘The above equation is popularly known as diffusivity equation and defines the movement of fluid into, out of and through the rock pore spaces. The expression suggests that the Preseure disturbance or perturbation diffusee rather than propagates. Had the Perturbation offect propagated in the reservoir, the expression would have boon the ‘second order differential equation versus time. In @ eylindrieal coordinate system, the diffusivity equation is represented as; ie oe op Fi a0F kor In a radial systom, to which most of practical held solutions are arrived at is given as below: 2g, Lap 1 our, OP ig unit ae® Or ~ GOOORESF kar 1 Hele The torm 2.00026374 js called the diffusivity of the modium. ie a measure of how fast the pressure perturbation will diffuse in the reservoir. The same set of differential equation arises in many other contexts, and ia not unusual to ‘obtain solution for flow through porous media by more change in notation. The notable other contexts are diffusion, diffusion and chemical reactions, and electrical problems The solution of the above equation relies on the concepts of dimensionless pressure and dimensionless time. The basic advantage of these groups Is that they permit us to Faenciamontals of Raservair Brginccring a Chanacteriaaion 0 understand the structure of the solution of intorest without consideration of the specific values of formation properties, fluid properties, or flow rates. The general solution of diffuelvity equation in dimeneionlese form ie given ae Pin Cs 2) = AK Mary) + BE Lar) Where: ¢ Is the Laplace transform variable with respect to to and In(x) and K(x) Is the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind of order 0 respectively. A and B are O10002657« QUE, FE Selecting @ definition of dimensionless pressure if 2 difficult task. Basically the selection depends on the wellbore condition-constant rate or constant well bore prossure ‘Commonly used dimensioniess groupe follaw fram the seminal wark of van Everdingen and Hurst. The general expression for pressure which Is given as; git pe prt Sixth © Ge Pi Plrt), The above equation auggeste that the whale reservoir ia affected due to perturbation created by flaw of fluid. However, the practicality of the above expression lies in the fact that it used to locate the compressible zone wrt time within the reservoir. The pressure drop in the well mainly reflects the reaervair properties in the compressible zone. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering a Characteriaat ion oT That Is what a woil tost onables us to Le: charncterizce the average properties far away from the well detect facies heterogensity Identify permeability barriers, define composite system Bolore we delve on further on well tost analysis it would bo appropriate to define various regime and type of flows. Based on thelr boundary condition of the flow the diffusivity equation has been solved and solution has been provided wart time, Transient State Condition Transionm stato which Is alco named as unsteady state as the condition at which rate of change of pressure with respect to time at position with in the compressible zone due to perturbation effect is not zere or constant. Mathematically it can be expressed as pe fie BP pore OP = pore Both are function of time and distance Pisude Steady State or Sami Steady State Condition Ita the candition which follaws transient state. The compressible zone has reached to tho reservoir boundary (no flow boundary), and due to no support outside the boundary of the reservoir in the form of Mule influx, the pressure declines linearly wrt time. Mathematically this is dofinad as fe Lene influse 2P 6 ate. 2-0 2B Constant for all rand t Steady State Condition In a tloady stave condition the prossure at every location in the reservoir remains constant Le. it dees not change with time Mathematically this can be oxprossed as 22-0 tor attr ana t BH Pe constant at Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization oF compressibility of the fluid column, inequality In the surface and sancdface flow ratos eccure resulting in accumulation af mass in the wellbore. The phenomenon ia known as wellbore storage. This can be graphically shown as below: Near to the wall bore In case of a drawdown test, the initially produced fluids aro being unloaded from a woll bore with very or no flow at the eand face. That makes (2221, , 0 a sense. Le. aren oF, Integrating and taking logs both side of equality, we get co lon Ce + 1OE pon —lonty in @ dimensional form Fundamentals af Reservoir Pnginecring & Characterization oa Ap _ ‘Significance of the above relation le that: should the early data pointe (plotted in terme of coordinates log p,, and log, ) exhibit a unit slope line, then most fluid produced originates from the well bore. As tho test prograsses, the sand face rate is significantly increased the term log pwo increases. Az the storage effect diminishes fog puc i= described by the flow equation for constant production rate for a drawdown. For = bulld- up eimilar methodology and expreesion exiets. Hones, it can be deduced that the deviation from unit slope line marks the end of welll bore storage fect. This Is a very important observation for a resorvelr engineer. as it would be possible to devote more on quality data representing solution of flow model In @ linear plot of delip) ve. time, slope ef the etraight line ie Used to compute well bore storage effect be. TAS store The straight lino should pass through the origin. There can be several reasons for it not to pass through the origin: + a ehut in pressure error = a shut in time error Fundamentals of Ranervotr Eniginacring a Chiractoriaatie oS Hf such error happens, should be corrected by offsetting the data. However, caution should be exercised in case of following cases: + Time duration between twe consecutive measurements Is very high. + Variable wall bore storage due to gas. + Fluid segregation in the well Skin Factor Originally the skin facter response was Introduced to Incorporate the noted difference: betwaon moacured pressure responce and predicted pressure response by diffusivity equation model, The measured pressure responses were usually lower than the predicted pressure. Van-Everdingen and Hurst suggested that the extra pressure drop, reflects @ small region of low permeability (damage) around the well bore. In fact they are cradited for introducing the tarm skin factor to the oll industry. Skin factor makes the vicinity of well bore characteristics differant from those in the. reservoir as a result of drilling and well treatment operation. It reflects the connection between the reservoir and the well, The difference in pressure drop in the vicinity af the. well bore can be Imtorproted in several ways: = By Using infinitesimal skin and I defined by & If Ap, Is the pressure drop due woatin Sanne 2 toe A 0.93) in titans b> ere snap, S>a12gae Franchaamannaly of Reservoir Enaincortnag & Chasracterinattor 3S In case of a gravel pack the etacive Tada ofthe wall should normally fall between the radius would mean that the gravel pack is particularly ineffective As, could be understood from previous section that the skin reprosanted an additional pressure drop located In the vicinity of the well bore. The additional pressure drop was: explained for understanding due to variation in permeability in an area near to the wel bore. However, the skin concept could be generalized In more practical aspects of wel bore flow phenomena. For example: Fundamontals of Rover woir ERRInCering Se Character tation oF + Skin can be used In representing prossure drop due to partial perforation = Inclination of a well improves the flow in the vicinity of the well bore, which can be represented as negative skin. +H can be used as ve skin to represent the flow characteristic Imprevement in hydraulically fractured well + Injection of fluid (water or Polymer) into the reservoir creates a composite zone of different mobility ratie. It causes additional pressure drop that can also considered as skin. + In gas well, Darcy law breaks down at high velocity of flow. At high flow velocities, Pressure drop in porous media increases more than predicted linearly with ncroasing rate. This extra pressure drop Is accounted for by rate dependent skin. Interpretation Method= Well teet can be effectively Used to know reservoir flow characteristice. ae the pressure Hence well tests are used by reservoir engineers to know a number of reservoir flow parameters which decides the exploration, development and exploitation of a reservoir. A number of different methods are used to analyze a well test. Hewever, they can be classified broadly into wo heads: Methods using the Type curves: + Conventional methods Inside each of the groups the above methads depend on the type of well, reservoir and reservoir boundaries: Type Curves, Tbe Sunes are basically 2 graphical representation of the theoretical response during @ tost of an intorprotation model that represents the welll and the reservoir being tested. Most of the type curves are for drawdown well test response. These type curves tiret appeared in ceventice in the form of sete of curves using dimensionless paramaters. From 1983 on, type curva mothods were greatly improved a= Fundamentals of Rescrvoi Enginecring a Characterisation oe they were Used In cenjunction with the proseure derivative. With the advent of pewerful computers and programming use of Type curve has become very easy to use and Interpret. We would limit the introduction of Type curves only for vertical wells completed There are several kinda of Type curves commercially available. Few notable ameng + Agrawal et. al. Type curve + Mckinley Type curve: +) Earlougher and Kersch Type curves + Gringarten Type curve. However, the most widely used Type curves in the oll industry ff that of Gringarten ot. al. curves as they are most compicte and practical to use. Hence @ brief introduction about Gringarien et. sl. curves and methodology for use i= givens Gringarten et al. Curves, Gringarten et. al. Type curve represents the variation in pressure versus time for a specific reservoir-well configuration. It i= calculated using an analytical medol and expressed in dimensionless variables. In the form of "Tat 2gBe 0.00026374 eae re _ O.894C., theme, re Pp Lp, — perso Faradamcnnsls of Roscrecir Bargincering, a Chaaricter tata 35 In @ vertical well in an infinite homogeneous reserveir the dimensionless pressure Pe = Polte-CoS) With Gringanen tising the form below: Pn = Poti. Cyexp2sy Interpretation Method Tho interpretation method using type curves Invelves the following stops: + The pressure drop with respect to the initial pressure should be plotted on a tracing paper lying an the type curve, using the same scale as that of Type curve, Keeping the two coordinates axes parallel, tho tracing paper Is shifted to a Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization Too Position on the type curve that represents the best fit of the measurement. Only twansiational movement is allowed keeping the two grid parallel. Te evaluate reservoir parameters. a match point is selected anywhere on the overlapping position of the curves, and the coordinates of the common peint on both sheete are recorded. Once the match Is obtained, the ceardinates of the match point are used to compute formation flow capacity. kh and storavity constant oC, . The specification of the type curve where the measured points match, they correspond to a value of Cp, exp2s> bole 1A Dag hiys ae w.coo20scn (Ar ), In following candition only, type curve should be used to interpret build-up data. Conamion 1: Gullc-up duration should Be very-very small compared to preduction duration of the well Condition? : Build-up duration should be emailer than the duration of the last production period before shut-in. Other than the above condition, It would be incormet to use for Build-up interpretation without incorporating certain changes. The effect of short production time can be seen In @ flattening out of the type curve, the build-up curve under the drawdown curve. Force: match between the build-up data and a draw down curve would reault in a type curve, located toe high on the eet of curves and therefore in inaccurate results. Functamentats of Reservoir ERgineerIng a Character ia ton Tor ‘There ie 2 condition to be satisfied before which thie equivalent time can be used in. Gringarten Type curve or any Type curve. The condition Is: the semi-log straight line. should have reached during the previous drawdown betore build-up, Advantages of Type Curves lie in the fact that it allowe the interpreter to make a. diagnosis about the type of reservoir and understand the flow regimes. It also allows the. Interpreter to use the flow concept regime in a conventional interpretation method with 2ase and confidence. However, assumption of constant woll bore storage effect in a Type curve puts severe limitation to the interpretation. Conventional Method of Well Teat Interpretation Fhic’particular section will study the Tosponse of flow/prossure behaviour at constant rate (drawdown) or when rate i= zero (Build up). Drawdown teat ‘The solution of diffusivity equation In the transiont pressure regime is given as: Fumchamartats of Rewerwoir Pngincoring & Characterianion Tos Poe ~ 182.88 (10 fv ton Ek 3.23-4 0.875) 1 Pr S one + tone mtos toe +323) This slope m can be used for calculating flow capacity, kh of a roservair and skin. Pew is the pressure at ihr from the start of drawdown test, read from the straight line equation. Transient state is of shert duration. If the test is oxtended and the compressible zone is allowed to travel and reach the boundary of the reservoir, the flow regime changes to pseudo steady state regime in absonce of any support from the outer boundary. The solution of prosaure response in a drawdown teat in a paoudo-steady state is given as: 023498, 162 69Be A yy 22858 a a oe The above equation suggests that a plot of pressure against time in the preudo-stoady state region would result in a straight line whose slope is given as: O.234gB ee ha oh ors] RA ie nothing but pore volume of the reservoir. If this ie represented a8 Vp mon vy, = 0-23 4GB ge i. Cm This particular test is called Reservoir Limit Test (ALT). Point should be remembered that FILT is valid for only for psoudo-stoady state only and not for stoady state. There aro different ways to calculate the pore volume in a steady state condition. Build-up Test: Horner's Method Moet of the information from a well test comes from the interpretation of a preseure build-up. The reason is the fluctuation in the production rate which is Inherent to the Production. Fluctuation may cause large variation in bottom hele pressure during draw down test. This ie not the case in a build-up test. In a build up test, the well Ie allewed to flow at sufficiently large time to allow the flowing pressure slmest constant Tos Subsequantly, the welll Is closed and the continuous recording of bottom hele shut in proasure Is done till the surface tubing shut-in pressure stabilizes. The equation and analysic methed was given by Horner, The following expression for proscure is given ; Pe — Pgh ary — IZED youg Te HAL, Tho value of pressure moasured at tho bottom Is plotted varsus the logarithm of on a graph. once the wellbore storage offect has ended a straight line with a slope of m can be observed _ 162. er This helps to know the flow capacity (kh) of the woll. The thickness h is called the effective thickness and is obtained by subtracting the nencentributing lenath from gross, thickness of the formation encountered in the well, Skin is determined from the following expression: Fndamontals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization Tos ind pire. must be calculated from the Homer straight line at Ar — Mer log of Ie considered negligible while determining skin through Horners method: Extrapolated Pressure: Wee staid ot te Hiemors nanagin wei enisipoinnoet at TAT om whens O03, At ia i ei i GR Wa ee eons TED A YR i, Shes ance of Tid proauned Gators tieriins ke uesiaiiy ceuiiate starred vat te “Smount in place. The idea ts that I the bulld-up would have been continued for intinttely pe eee wptinesbetereas gureeerpneeneneereerpnien ert when substantial amount of olf han bean produced, the value of fla not the reservoir nce alge ae dees pce of Some, eee anki ceed can ee Jace passa. Tawi se Sele. yo ahi Fs a se oo average reservoir pressure PF! So reservoir engineers should use this value with great caution and understanding, 3 nee fiesta Miller Dyes and Hutchinson Method of Bulld-Up Hamer showed that build-up varies linearty with log =~ “* When Te =s> Ar, the torn T, + Ar can be approximated as 7. Physically it moans that the pressure drop due. to previous production is neglected. Fisnclmentals of Reservoir Engineering & Chanscterizaton Tos Leecher ie This equation was proposed by Miller, Dyes and Hutchingon and the particular methad Of build up ie called MDH method. Honce the Homer's equation becomes 7p, — px, ‘an ar— in) Pressure Shapes and Interpretation Methods In Various Characteristic Boundaries When Compressible Sone crenied by the pariurbation reaches reser bourdary, perceived as a charactoristic response in the pressure at the wall. This nature of the response in the well bore pressure depends upan the characteriatics of the boundary. Few ef the characteristic respences observed in different types of boundaries are explained bolow; The boundary condition corespending to linear fault Is the linear no-flow boundary. Linear sealing fault and disappearing facies, uncontormities are tew of the examples of the characteristic boundaries. In such type of situation two different straight line segments are seen with slopes having approximate ratio of 2:1 In the semi-log straight line. The flow capacity and the skin should be calculated on the basis of first line. However, P’ should be calculated based on the second straight line in case of only one fault. Flow capacity in beth the drawdown and the build-up should be calculated based on the following data: 162.698, kh Skin in drawelown Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization Toe sf 25 P— 1op £3.23] el war ‘Skin in bust-up if 2 eto - [rel "© Siac re Gray suggested that the distance to the fault or barrier can be approximated using the following equation. 0.0328, [EAE eae, Distance to the barrier or fault, ft Pormation pormeability, mb Porosity, fraction Fluid vitcosny. oP Total compressibility, psi Ar, End of first straight line segment, hr Hf the two barrier/taults are approximately the same distance, the characteristic doubling of slope will not be seen in the plot. In such case after the initial straight line Is seen, the slope of the second line would increase te more than two times. In such case the second line suggests prosonce of more than one fault. +323) atexg In_a type curve the dorivative of the slopes goes up from 0.5 10 1. Pressure Build-up Data from a Well Producing from a Long Narrow Reservoir Soch as Channel Sana The pressure transient data collected from a well producing from a long narrow reservoir ac shown below have characteristics that show combination of racial flow and linear flow. During radial flow the pressure varies as logarithm of time. In a linear flow the pressure wares linearly with square root of time. The channel can be duc to number cases such 1. Two parallel sealing faults. 2. a sedimentary deposit channels. 3. two parallel lateral variations in facies. etc. The channel is defined by its width w and by the distance, d, from the walll to one of its edges. During @ well test inside a channel, following Characteristics In the pressure patterns are + A. comiog straight line with stabilization of dorivative: at 0.5 is observed. + As the compreasinie zone reaches the firat edge of the channel, fault effect ja seen. The boundary has exactly the came effect a= cealing fault in an infinite reservoir. The slope of the lino doubles. This is observed only when the well is ery off centered in the channel. = When the compressible zone reachas the two edges of the channel, it expands linearly parallel to the edges of the channel. The pressure varies linearly with square root time. Plot of pressure vs. v7 shows a straight lino suggesting of a A plot of Piva. Viv ar— JAF should be made in case of build-up. If the late time data becomes @ straight linc on this plot It along with doubling of slope in radial flow indicates channel! reservoir. P* le determined from the linear plot by extrapolating Jr + ar — Jar too. Linear flow ie used to determine the width of the channel and the eccentricity of the we! he width of linear channel can be calculated by 2.638 [gir Horm ott watt SS aS ms = stone of (pun ve. 1oe(“2Z*) ) paveycte slope of (Pa vs. ves ar — VAr > Gil flew rate: STOO Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Character tation Tos 2.02 [att Py Where Gas rate, mactday Reservoir Temperature, °F ANgrade pressure in the neighborhood of the GS2 deviation factor Prescure Build-up Date from = Hydraulleally Fractured Well The presence of an artificial fracture modifies the flows near the well bore considerable Howover because of the short distance extension of the fracture, these fractures havo: inite conductivities, unlike natural fractures which have infinite conductivities, In an artificially fractured welll initially. there Is a fracture linear flow. This period Is quite, short and is normally dominated by wellbore storage. Flow from the reservoir causes the, matrix to contribute te the flow of fluid to the fracture. Thie period ie featured by linear flows in both fractures and the formation and the fracture tip still has not affected the flow behaviour of the well. These bilinear flow regimes are experienced only by fractures of Inite conductivity. Bilinear flow is followed by linear flow. During the start of this flow Period, the flow behaviour starts getting affected by the fracture tip, There is a linear flow: from matrix to the fracture. Thie flow le very often seen during testing of artificially fractured wells. Finally, at, long times the pseudo-radial flow is reached by alll fractured: systeme regardiess of the facture conductivity or damage. The system developed tor Fimdamentals of Rewerwoir Rniginccring A Chomactertnation Too, ! @. Linear flow in the fracture Bile 2. Linear flow in the fracture: 4. Femude Flow Model for Each Flow Pattern ‘Ine flow exiete theoretically at the very beginning of the weet. Dunng thie flew mest of the. fluids produced at the well come from expansion in the fracture. The flow ie linear. The: pressure varias lineariy witty JT P= 2S Sime Fisndarmantls of Romer vais Braminmorinn & Character ton tome To _2.0002657K4 oe ee; 11 Is the ratio of diffusivity Inside the fracture and diffusivity in the rosorvol And G, Is the relative conductivity and Is expressed as wks re The greater the relative conductivity of the fracture more effective and pronounce this flow ragime is seen on tho plot. @ fracture with relative conductivity of over 100 behaves: as if it had infinite conductivity. At low fracture conductivity, linear flow regime is not seen. The concept of relative conductivity explains why the smaller the formation permeability. the more elective the hydraulic fracturing l=. &. Bilincar Flow = an incompreesible linear flow In the fracture + a compressible linear flow in the formation Bilinear flow lasts as long as the ends of the fracture do not affect the flows. This flow peried accure only in case of finite fracture conductivity cases and where there la no wall bore storage distortion. In this flow regime, the pressure behaviour is featured by the linear relationship when data are plotted by using the p. and 1" coordinates: _ aa tg hes FC eee ae The equation suggests that slope of the bilinear plot would lead to the estimation of kw and fracture half length. Howaver, it should also be noted that determination of fracture characteristics by this method requires knowledge of reservoir properties. ©. Linear Flow in the Formation This flow Is very often visible during testing of artificially fractured wall, It Is an Integral part of the conventional analysis methods of these tests. The flow regime occurs in the Fundamentals af Resercotr Engineering & Character i2ation 7 fracture liself and In the formation proper. This type tow Ie exhibited By only highly conductive fractures (Gr = 100}. This flow peried if exists, should! be Used for calculation of fracture properties. It Is characterized by @ linear variation of the pressure versus Jr Tne tow Ie characterized by following expression Pe = Vow or - 008g [ae Pi Pee Vee, SE d. Pasudo Radial Flow At long time and end of bilinear and linear flows, pssude-radial flow regime starts. The reason why it i called paoude radial flow iz that flow period ix not fully racial (Ramee! anc Trump. Nevertheless, all curves approach a common value of maximum siepe which ie dependent on the length of the fracture penetration. Raghvan et. al. constructed a graph Of correction factors f., which must be Used to obtain the correct perme ability factor. ho kaki fe Russel Truitt Method of Permeability Determination trom Pseudo Rad Russe! Truitt method for the determination of true permeability of the reservoir Is given below: The graph ic a plot between Ra(Measured slope of build-up data/theoretical slope of bulla up data veroue ¢ L/D-tracture lenginvepacing between wells). A prototype ef slope Is shown bolow and is net to the scale: fueeet-Tmaht Pict tor etope Fundamentals of Reservoir bngincering a Characterization Tr fracture length (tip to tip). ft Slope Of Paris log Ar plot pavoycle tor drawdown: slope Of Pye Vs tog ton{ £22 ZAP) plot pales for demwctown Mz = slope of the pervs Var fer drawdewn, slope of the pave Ve + ar — Var tor bulld up, rosity, fraction orrection factor from Russel-Truitt plot e a Stops to solve: Step 2. = Calculate L/D value Step 3. | From the graph of Russel Truitt calculate FE Flow Pattern in a Closed Reservoir When the reservoir is limited by no-flow boundaries it Is called closed reservoir i.e. when: 2B 0 ate we Le. no inven Functamansals of Rosereotr Engineering oe Chiaracreriarion 7 RS RASS from INS pecudo-steady state equation, @ plot of pressure vs time on linear Trapacd wre The slope M, is used to detormine the drainage area or the pore: volume drained hoA. 8 Oa CaM, The value of G, can be calculated in the following way: Cy = 5.456 2 ex pl 2.303 Fy — Pine 4 Endim, is datermined from hinear plot Cx value should be compared with the chert to find out the drainage shape. Determination of Average Reservolr Pressure When the compressible zene reaches real no-flow physical boundaries during bulld-up. the prossure in tho drainage area becomes uniform and constant. The pressure is called Matthews, Brons and Hazebrock (MBH) method 12, Brons ancl Hae: tout pn ERE SOF wnrtoum remerwatt cP By well configuration and plotted against Prag, = 23082" —P) Gre of the plot for Funclamentals of Reservoir Engincering a Characterization Ts Steps: From the cue shown above Pins = 22052" =P te calouiated tamed on the Sern el eaten, HCA ae Heat Fi, Furcdumentals of Reservoir Engineering i Characterization Te Stop 3: From known m and P” average reservoir prossure is calculated. Dettz Method to Calculate Average Reservoir Pressure Following stops have been suggested for the calculation of average reservoir pressure. Step 1: PIs calculated from semi-log staright line. Stop 2.: V. is calculated based on following equation QM ron vy, — BM oe Oven Mror can be calculated from geological structure map. Gror Is the total rate from the sand Stop 3: From V, area A can be calculate by dividing by average thickness. Stop 4: ten can be calculated as follows. Funcamontats of Reservoir Enginoering & Characterizat ton mW Russel Method for BUP Interpretation Some ume weil bore storage effect affects or distorts the Horner plot so that we don't get the Horner ctraight line which ie characteristic of radial flow. This makes the BUP Interpretation urclos=. Huscel suggested a solution to this problem by following mothad se Steps: Plot versus log of ar Where Apa pe CA PO ‘Step 2: Vale of G should be chosen such that the plot we get @ straight line Step 3 : Slope of tho straight Russe! line would give the permeability valuo 162 ew esu1 iope Step 4: Skin should be calculated as follows 43.23 Fundamentals of Rescrootr Pngincoring & Characterization Ts be limited te only the fundamentals 20 that one can apply in solving actual field related problem. Thoro are four transiont flow regimes that are theoretically possible with a build-up oF drawdown teat ina horizontal well. They are as follows; Early Timo Radial Flow The flow is: radial and ic equivalent to that of a fully penetrating vertical welll in an infinite reservair, Intormediate Time Linear Flow A horzontal well will generally be long compared to the formation thickness: a period of linear flow may develop once the pressure transient reaches the upper and lower boundaries. Late Time Radi Flow Hf the herizental well length ie sufficiently email ac compared to the reservoir size. a secend radial flow known as a pseudo-radial flow will develop at late times. Late Time Linear Flow: This flow period occurs when the pressure transient reaches the lateral extremities of the reserveir. The intermediate time linear flaw and Inte-time linear flow period develops only for reservoir of finite width, The identification of these flow ragimes is critical to the proper interpretation of a horizental well test Pressure Response Equations for Different Flow Regime Early time Radiat non sepsene|, fe } 3.23 + 0.868. | for Drawdown a Ore jos] for ue 2 a = Mette Pg FE Funcimentals of Reservoir Engineering & Cheracterizinion Tr rox roof PERE), 3.207 + oes ge + »| tor Drawdown nf Sint noo 22.) 1 an stonat (| nr oun aL oe, Where + = WiseBHt (soa Set] + 2.023) a2 rezegein[ (ter nan, peel (See range 2.0231 + 42059] for arawecowen Re eet af Pane Okeke i | J] fer wena Up Late Time Linear FLow Sizes [AE 1a 2a hee Deh Vee LJ. S.128e Th, Kee PP, (8, 4S. 45) for Draw down | tor ms ue Goa Well Testing Fanctarantals af Reservoir Erminactins & Ctraractor tot ior 730 The gas well testing differs from a well testing fundamentally. The basis on which the diffueivity equation wae derived doesn't hold goed fer gas. Unilke oll, gae viecesity and compressibilly vary widely with pressure. Darey equation for gas flaw can be written as: a, ~ i oe ater The general trend for ZEe versus pressure Is given as follows: Hence Darcy equation for gas at low pressure <2000 psi becomes o70nenre — 72) 1, Zam — O75 + Jn velocity flow Forcheimer modified the above Darcy equation to include the rate dependent skin Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization Tat ___o70nenled — eb) Tu, 2000.75 + Da Region In region Il, where the pressure Ia in between 2000 to 2000 pal the pressure function shows distinct curvature. In this region, the concept of pseudo pressure should be used. Peeudo pressure ie defined as ; oP Be worms ap Flow equation becomes 7 038N Ge — Hr wy) a Tan —075+ Dg+ =) Region ~ Which te a high pressure ragion, higher than 2000 pal, the pressure function <2 te constant. Hence Fe 2P - 2] pepe Zh ep Darcy equation becomes: vaoonr{ SZ ire 7) Tans — 0.75 + Da, +3) Hence. while imerpreting gas well test data. use of correct type of pressure function Absolute Open Flow Potential To knew the absolute open flow potential (AOFP) ef a gas well ie one ef the most important parameter for predicting gas production profile. The AOFP is defined as the theoretical production flow rate of a well reached with the bottam hole pressure equal to Frncdamontals of Reservoir ER gineering, Char aener iactien T22 tn mt Ti rk ein ii acy a ine: Weil is allowed to flow through three different gas rates. AOFP Is calculated in the following way: In the peoude-steady stats region, the flow equation can be expressed ae PET = Aa, + Ba? “grea Eo] Where Tabs pe TH Bene anaee an aatsfinse—075~-] Fienctansantiln Of Roser wair EOnIneerin Ge C Tar acwevaSa EOP 73 AOFP Is defined as orp A NAP anew) Composite System In-situ combustion process, steam flooding process, polymer flooding process ete.. give Fise to composite system, where mobility contrast exist within the reservoir. A steam flood oF in-situ combustion process Is modeled as a two-region reservoir, with an inner wept region surrounding the Injection well and an infinitely large unswept region beyond Ihe front. Figure below shows a typieal composite system, Mobility contrast which exists In between the region | & II Is Used to model the fluid flow in such type of compasite system. This acts as Basis tor determination of the swapt volume using proscure transient model The swept velume adjacent to an injoction wel le considered to have beth well bore storage and a ekin effect. This swept volume has different permeability, porosity and compressibility of the reservoir fluid then the Zone II ahead of it. A complication of non uniform temperature 2. adiabatic condition does arise assumption used for derivation of diffusivity equation. In an in-situ combustion process the temperature in the region adjacent to the well bore will be that of injected air whereas near to the combustion front it would be as high as 1000°F whereas, in case of steam that of farthest away near to outer boundary of the swept region, It would be equal to the reservoir temperature. The solutien te modeling such type of problem I found by assuming swopt rogion to exist at come mean temperature. Pep In nore —<—_ Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering Characterization 124 4. During the woll tact (Fall-off or Injoctivity tect) the front Iz considered to be: stationary. 5. The region behind the front contains only gas in case of In-situ combustion or steam in case of steam flooding. ©. The fluid is slightly compressible. The difttsivity equation derivation methadelogy is same as that of homogeneous system ae explained earlier while, deriving the expression for hemogencous system. In dimensionless form, the diffusivity equation for two diferent regions can be written as shown in the following paragraphs. The reason why the diffusivity aquation is writtan in dimensionless form is that, it permits to understand the structure of the solutions of interest without consideration of the specific values of formation properties, fluid Properties or flow rate. The objective here Is to obtain @ solution that contains no. parameters. Regiont Region Fuencdarnontal af Rewervoir Bnginccring i Characteriwattan Tas 2h Bre Moe Poy = on Ry & Poe = 4 PD ain, aA Pane eo of} sth. gn. 1 and 2 along with initial and boundary conditions, can be sclved analytically in cylindrical coordinates using. Laplace inverter to ganorate dimonsionloss bottom hole prossuro data, Pas, as a function of dimensionless timo, te. The simulation of Pe function against time 1 shows a semi log straight ine on a semileg plot for regien — 1 (Swept region) followed by a braak at the front with another straight line having differant slope for ragion-l. The semilog slope of the first line as shown in fig below gives an idea bout the permeability and skin of the swept zone tansition period, ine system benaves or approximates pseudo steady state tow as shown by the Cartosian plot in fig.bolow . This region of peoudo steady stats can be Used to calculate the ewept zone rock pore volume. The pore volume le related to ihe slope of the proude steady state Cartacian straight line az follows: The basic procedure is to calculate the average reservolr pressure, temperature anc the ewept volume simultaneously. Also tha permeability thickness. and skin factor. 5, can not be calculated because the air properties, By and Cy aro not known until the average reservoir temperature and preacure is found. The procedure tor in-situ combustion process Ie explained as given below: Fumdamontals of Reservoir Engineering a Charactoriaatton 1 = Plot the pressure and time data on a semi-log and Garesian plot. + Estimate the average reservoir pressure behind the front fram the early time Nattening of the semi-log plot. = From the Cartesian slope find out the slope of pseudo-steady state straight line, eter)" sett ign = eugene cat BL Reeiaravietig 2 ed alt rock & Samana Cnc, tele tate neat of the swe region + Goteutate therm neat steiensy fe felons Eos er erseto* | Eo + Assume average tomporature behind the front + Find By and Cy + Calculate swept volume as follows = With the value of By and Cy calculate permeability thickness and skin Fundamentals af Reservoir Engineering & Cher acter tain ton T28 wot sseaff sete) -*25] Cn = EE where Far is air fuel ratio. Procedure for calculation of K. ¢ and cumulative heat love in a ewept zone (Steam flood proces: An important factor for a steam flood is the amount of heat that has been lost to the overburden. Knowledge of the steam swept volume trom a pressure transient well test ‘enables calculation of the heat loss. The procedure for the steam floed Is simpler than the in-situ combustion bocause the average reservoir temperature is known. = Plot the pressure-time data on @ semi log graph and Cartesian graph. + Find the average reservoir preceure behind the front from early time flattening of the semi log curve. From the eteam table eetimate the average ewept zone: tomporature. Find tho slope of the early time semi log straight line. Calculate the permeability thickness In the ewept region en 102 Og Be + From the semi log graph calculate the skin factor aot asaa[( SF) wel ate] +s25] From the Cartesian plot find the slope m: of the pseudo steady state straight line Calouinte swopt walume, Vy + Heat loss can ba calculatact as follows: bo (tt eM ro =] Funcianicntals of Reservoir Engineering & Charactertation 123 (pH J+ = Total heat content of the swapt zone This brings te an Gnd lo the wall jest Concept! applied to the incitu and steam flooding processes. It Ie evident from the above analysic that the pressure wansient fall off well test of thermal injection wells based on the above mantionsd macial prociuces potentially usetul results. However, it Is pertinent to mention here that the accuracy of the result will depend upon how accurately we identify the transiont and psoudo steady state period in the swept Zone. The case mentioned above 12 an ideal one. Accurate determination of different region requires derivative analysis of the pressure w.r.t. time. MANAGEMENT OF OM WELL TEST After having discovered oiV/gas pool, it becomes critical to know reliable information Properties te eseential tor cost effective and efficient development planning. Having Spent enormous amount on exploratory and a. delineation drilling activity to prove up the reserves, it is negligibie to leave the welll without establishing data that will ba required for planning the exploitation of the reserves. Thoro ato numerous cases where operators. ave had te reemer or redrill a well of. worse still, have Installed lll-designed facilities land preceded with an uneconemic development as a result of inadequately planned, insufficiently ona, poorly supervised or misinterpreted well tests. It Is pertinent here to nets the difference between conventional major fiolds and frontier marginal filds ie that large capital Investment has te be made for frontier/marginal field's development based almost complatoly on exploration and delineation well data. While the conventional fold: development cases, the data can be refined in a phased manner using the latest drilling land production results and tor frontier marginal field development cases require = commitment to spend majority of func long before any production history i= available. It amounts to that the data obtained from oxploration and appraisal wells must bo comprehensive and of the beat quality possible WELL TESTS GENERAL Woll testing ie a process used by the petrolaum industry to solve problems and answer questions related to the operations and economic evaluation of hydrocarbon reservoirs and thelr associated welle. Two general conditions exist within the industry with respect to the nature of well teating activities. Fundamentals of Reservoir EMGInCer Ing ee Character tation 30 One most popular connotation in terms of the type and frequency of test occurrence, is that a well toct iz an observation of a woll'= productivity Le. production or injection rate a= 2 function of bottom hole or surface flowing pressure. The second connotation of well testing, as seen mainly through the eyes of engineering segment of the Industry is that a well test is a dofinition and quantification of the parameters which control a well's productivity. Le. static drainage. area, pressure. Permeability, skin, etc. The advantages of second approach to well testing includes: > The ability to determine the accuracy of a well's observed productivity = The ability to determine the stability of a wall's observed productivity. > The ability to determine the impact of changing the paramaters which control the Productivity of a wall or an entire reservoir. Wall tests can give reliable estimates of reservoir rock properties such as: Capacity (Kh) : For predicting well productivity. estimating net pay open to flow, correlating with core data, predicting recervolr stratification and establishing fracture, stimulation requirements, Skin(a) = used for eatimating well Bore damage and essential tor predicting well productivity and evaluating stimulation petential and results. Drawdown (Delta P) = used fer defining productivity index of the well and evaluating weil Production Cheractertatics: These are needed for production forecasting, designing well completions and sizing top side facilities in particular the following data is needed. + Inflow Periormance Curve or Absolute Flow Potential: For gas wells essential for production forecasting. + Tubing Pertormance Curve: needed to size production tubing and gathering system. + Sand Production: Important in designing production and injection well ‘completions specifically gravel packs. Fuanclamantals Of ROSCrWOlr ERRINGEFINg —& CHEPAOFT=LAO Ts + Potential Probloms: Waxes, sulphur. sealing, corrosion, and hydrates needed tor designing well completions and facilities. The types of Information available from pressure tansient tests aleng with economicasty significant bonefits of obtaining this Information are presented in Tables. Most of these tests are of productivity observation variety, but could be easily and economically converted to pressure transiont test variety with significant potential value to the industry. To recapitulate and summarize what has been talked of in the preceding sections, the data generated from well tests and their utility is summed up below. DATA REQUIREMENT AND DATA GENERATED FROM WELL TESTS. Moat of the data required for evaluation and valuation of a reservoir would be generated from welll tests. The main data requirement expected from a preduction test programme is summarized below with their utility and relative Importance of such data. FLUIDS, It Is of utmost Importance to identify and obtain representative samples of fluid contents: of the reservoir be they oll, gas, condensate or water. These are needed for geological modeling, predicting fluid contacts, recovery prediction, and formulation of reservoir depletion plan, production facility design and PVT behavior of the reservelr fluids. RESERVOIR BOUNDARIES AND HETEROGENITIES Cemprehensive weil test data sometimes ean provide valuable information about nature and size of the reservoir being tested. Spacific information obtainable from woll tests is fractures. limit of reservoir like pinch outs, nearby gas cap. nearby faults, nearby aquifer. stratification and Inter-block communication. These are ihe areas of uncertainty can usually be estimated by an extended production testing by investigating for several days. When there is doubt about the size of the reserves, extended production testing is the only answer to. gain confidence on the reserves for development decision. Funchamentals of Rewcrvoir 733 COST EFFECTIVENESS AND PROPOSED MANAGEMENT OF WELL TESTS itis frequently impractical and not at all times to got all of the data indicatod above owing te various logistic problems. Certain guidelines as per their rank in importance is indicated in Table. A technical recommendation and management decision has to be made as to whether to spend the time and money needed to obtain certain ems of Information. The recommendations have to be purely based on the need of he situation. Fer instance @ reservoir boundary is suspected from seismic and other geological information which if critical te ostimate minimum reserves size needed fer development, an extended test should be considered. I would be difficult to calculate cost effectiveness for petroleum engineer to quantify the cost ef not knowing the comect reservoir fluid compositional analysis. because this missing data will have an impact on the recovery predictions. The depletion plan the facilities design and ultimately on the project cash flow, The development plan may turnout to be olther too optimistic or Pessimistic. The facilities accordingly will be either under designed or over-desianed. This situation would result into non-optimization of exploitation strategy. Now-a-days, sophisticated computer modeling tools are availablo which would help * in checking sensitivity of the project cash flow to certain koy assumptions. This can help to quantify cost effectiveness of obtaining certain data but will not provide the total answer. The bad development would mean recovering less ol and gas than what would have been expected but how much and at what cost? Under these conditions, a judicious decision has te be taken depending on the situation, as to what data is a must and rank remaining information as needs. Thus mesting the ‘The problems arise for testing sour olligas wells because of concern asseciated with high costs and risks In testing. Normally. there will be reluctance to test these wells even Wf they are tested, the duration will be fer a short time because the completions might not be designed to overcome the bad offects,. This situation would result into missing of vital reservoir information which would result into more assumptions. TESTING GUIDELINES Having been convinced of tho importance of the data generated trom well tosts, the following guidelines are given for obtaining the data through various means. WIRELINE FORMATION TESTING The repeat formation tostor (RFT) is a well tried and proven testing tool which can provide valuable information quicker at lece time than DST or cenmentional production tests. The pressures are very useful in identifying different reservoirs, depletion levels of the reservoirs and geological zones, DRILLSTEM AND SHORT TERM PRODUCTION TESTING it le a ehort term test conducted in a well. Theee can be run in open hole under cemented casing under tubing and permanent packers. Successful welll testing in frontier wells consiets of finding the correct balance Bemween Iwo opposing needs - obtaining maximum collaction of relevant data with minimum amount of expensive rig and support FLOW AND BUILD-UP PERIODS Adequate protest planning is required for estimating number and length of flow anc build-up periods. If leg, core, wire line formation test or nearby offset well data is sufficient, flowing and build-up periods can be specifically specified Using fluid flow equation. Le. by determining stabilization time. While designing the test period the following should be kept in mind build-up testing. +The time required for somi-tog analysis tachniques to be applicable. + The time when flow conditions change from transient to sembsteady-state, expected flow rates under beth flow regimes and radius of investigations at Gitterant times. In the absonce of any specifically designed tects, the following guidelines are suggested. > Initial flow of 15-30 minutes is requirad to allow equalization of the filtrate invaded, Zona back to static reservoir pressure, hould be followed by 1.0 to 2.0 hours shutin to” obtain reliable estimates of Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization aa y Clean up period should continue until the tubing head pressures and temperatures, gas-oll ratios, water rate are reasonable stable. Iehigh drawdown are required to get intencted test rates the choke size should be progressively Increased to safeguard against sand production. > Highly productive zones can be produced at high rates immediately to obtain high tubing head temperatures to minimize hydrate formation and to accelerate clean-up. > Clean-up rate should be more than the planned test rates to facilitate opening up ‘of maximum number of perforations. + The reapanse of the well to choke sizes should be well conceived during clean up, so that a suitable choke size can be chosen before putting the flow through separators. > Frequent changes of chokes should be avoided which would make analysis OL WELL TESTING + Three flow periods aro ideal to maximize reservoir data if there is time: ‘constraint, two rates may be adequate = The drawdown to be created should be up to 40% - 50% of reservoir pressure. + At least four hours of stabilized flow rate should be adequate to get reliable + I specific information is needed like sand failure, casing, etc. the drawdown: should be higher to know the sensitivity of drawdown to sand cut. + If due to operational constraints, the pressure. Build-up study Is not amenable: fer Homer's Method, data should be interpreted by log-log curve matching technique to got the fect of razenoir propertion, GAS WELL TESTING Gee well texting should be essentially multirate flow tects (4 chokes) to obtain reasonable estimates of flow performance and rate dependent skin effect. Fundamentals of Reseroot T33 > Flow after flow tests or Gack-Pressure tests be preferred if the reservoir permeaninty te large. > Moditied icochronal be chosen it permeability is low. > The build-up time should be approximately twice the cumulative flow time of flow + i enough detail available the time needed for applying semilog analysic technique can be applies. ottects Well tost engineering Is the process of successfully deriving useful valuable information from well teste in the Term of problem dlagnosie and or reservoir valuation. The tasks required to perform well teat engineering can be grouped into three categories: 1. Planning and Designing S. Intorprotation and Diagnosis. These activitios have to be carefully and judiciously planned, exectied and Interpreted, the task of finding @ model which adequately represents the physical situation existing in ihe wells and reservoirs being tested and quaniilying the parameters which are eritical parameters in planning. development, predicting reservoir depletion and managing the reservoir during the Producing life to get best out of the reservoir Te conclude, well wets would be able to generate very userul Information By whieh the manner thereby loading to draw a rational development strategy. As iti amply clear that reservoir Iz unbelievably complex and impossible to define completely, to arrive at = diagnosis of the system, one has te roly on — > A tow physical determinietic facto. > Production statistics often of doubtful reliability. Fundamentals uf Rewerwale Engineering & Character tition 136 Stylized mathomatical equations dorived from assumptions which may only remotely roprosent reservoir conditions. Because of tilt: above limitations, the results of tho: reservoir engineering calculations would be of probabilistic nature. It should be the effort to get as much as Detorminictic values, 20 the assumptions would be fewer. Te werk in thie direction and achieve the objective of accompliching more reliable and maximum data. properly planned well taste ic the only answer. Whatever data that iz considered fer delining and evaluating the reservoir. should bear reality so that the success of the venture would not be jeopardized. RESERVOIR FLUID SAMPLING OBJECTIVE OF RESERVOIR FLUID SAMPLING: Objective of reservoir fluid Sampling Is to get oll & gas In the same composition and stare in which It exiet in the reservelr. The opeeific procedure used to obtain representative uid dopend= upon the composition of fluid, it ctate and the mechanical equipment used at well sito. Obtaining a propor sample Is as Important as subsoquent laboratory tosts, yot a fow engineers understand the advantages & the limitations of the several methods that are commonly used in the sample. It may be well to consider several general facts involved in gelting sample of oll & gas that are representative of reservoir fluids. In the first place there is no assurance that any Eampic obtained from one wall ic reprocentative of the fluid throughout the reservoir Theoretically the offectve gravitational force of oarth causes differences in composition of oil lying at diforant olovation= within @ raservoirs (compositional variation due to gravity sogregation). Also. the reservoir fluid may vary in composition between tho locations having same structural elevations because of moment of rock strata, comprising the reservoir during gecieaic time. Both kinds of compositional variation have, been observed in olf field. When reservoir ls relatively small if properly taken sample from one well can be representative of entire reservoir but If the reservoir is large and complex, samples from several welle may be required. Large variations in fluid Funchamentals of Reacrwoln Dngince ring ie Chariton tant ion 1 composition offen occurs in a very thick formation, in aroally large reservoirs or in reservoirs subject to recent tectonic disturbances. A flrid sampling program is therefore, te be planned to collect sufficient reservoir fluid eamplee from different area alongwith tapping depth in reservoir to know the fluid's behaviour in the entire reservoir. When: the objective ie to obtain sample of original reservoir fluid, it le important to take sample in the earliest production lite of the reservar or atleast before the formation pressure has, dropped bolow the reservoir fiuid's saturation pressure. The other important thing Is te know to what extent the fluid in the tubing is. representative of reservoir fluid in the region of the well being sampled. This Is very Important factor because all the methads make use elther directly or indirectly of fluids. obtained from the well tubing. Two reasons why the fluid flowing in the tubing might not 1) Dual completion and sting. 2) Presence of liquid and gas In Intimate contact in the same zene. may result in two phase flaw and result Into non-representative sampling. muhtaneeus production of fluids of different zone trom same CONDITIONING OF THE WELL FOR SAMPLING: The objective of well conditioning Is to replace the non-roprosentative reservoir fluid located around the wellbare by displacing It into the well with eriginal reservoir fluid from. the more distant paris of the reservoir. Simply shutting-In the well to restore the pressure: around the well bore will not necessarily bring the Mule In the affected area to its original condition or composition. it is necessary to flow tho well at a. low flow rate to. allow the: altered oll to be displaced by representative reservoir ol Conditioning the well beers sampling f= almost slways necessary and is especially because the reduction in pressure around well bore. which results from producing the. wells, can alter the fluid composition before it reaches the well bore and well string, = Conaitioning of flowing olf wells: Fundamentals of Reservoir Enginaerisig a Charactorinatton Ts To collect representative reservoir fluid from a selected oll well it ja necessary that the well should be new with minimum gas saturation and should not be producing free water. Before collecting the sample it Is necessary to see that the well Is producing with the flawing bettom hole pressures much above the saturation pressure 20 that there ia no. change in the stato or composition of in- place oil. A flowing wall must bo subjected to reduction in flow rates by = multi-bean test (by systematic reduction of bean sizes). A stabilized oll & gas rates, wator-cut and botiom eedimente should be recorded with each bean. When the gas-oll ratio remains constant after the firat reduction in flaw rate bean size), flow of an Undorsaturated oll into well bore is indicated. This moans that there is no change in phase state and composition of in-place reservoir oll entering into tubing. In this event the well can be considered to be conditioned, When gas oil ratio decreases after rate reduction, the prasence of the gas saturation in, the formation around wellbore is indicated. The gas saturation can results from a) coning of gas cap gas into oll bearing formation around the well bore; b) flowing bottom hole: pressure being less that saturation pressure. In this condition the welll Is conditioned by reducing the producing rate by stages. The stage-wise reductions In flowing rate is continued until minimum stabilized GOR fs reached and when further reduction in rate: do not affect the gas oll ratie this indicates that the non-representative all around the: wellbore has been replaced by representative in-place oll flowing in from a greater distance In the reservoir and the well can be assumed aa conditioned fer sampling. When the gas-oll ratio increases after rate reduction. the simultaneous production of a gas from a gas bearing zona and oll from an oll-baaring zone is indicated. The incmased ga-oll ratio could be caused by subsidence of an oll zone. Although a representative: sample of the reservoir oll can often be obtained. it is better to use a well which does not indicate oil coning, because it is difficult to determine when the well is adequately conditioned = Conditioning Gas-Condensate wel The procedure for conditioning a gas-condensate well prier to sampling Is based upon Interpreting the changes in the gas-condensate ratia that result from reducing the producing rate in a series of steps. When the pressure on a gas — condensate type fluid Is reduced below its. dew point pressure, a liquid phase Is formed. As a result the vapour Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering a Character tartan phase, which i= the fluid produced, wi hydrocarbon. This less of condensable hydrocarben results initially in an increase in the producing gas-oll ratio. Since the largest part of the pressure drop occurs in the area close to the wellbore, retrograde liquid saturation in that area can bulld-up enough to allow the liquid te become mobile. This mobile liquid can cause unpredictable but significant short-torm changes in the gas-condonsate ratio to accompany changes in the producing rate: The weil Is conditioned by placing it on a producing schedule consisting of a series of successively lower rates. Afier each rate reduction, flow ia cantinued until the gas — condensate becomes stabilized. The trend of the stabilized gas-condensate wi generally be found to decrease as the rate is decreased. The well i considered te be conditioned when the stabilized gas-oll ratio doos not change when the producing rato changes. + Conditioning wolls producing @ near critical Muid: The reserveir which contains a near critical reservoir fluid presents specially difficult Problems in well conditioning, When the pressure on this type of fluid drops below ‘saturation pressure, usually both of the phases which form are mobile and therefore. flow the well. The rates of production of the we phases, however, are usually in the Production that results in a well affluent which Is not the same as the recorveir fluid composition. The well effluent can contain either toa much of tea lita gas in combination with the liquid hydrocarbon phase. Conatitioning the well Is accomplished by Mlewing al a succession of slower rates for the purpose of removing the non-representative hydrocarbon phases. The problem ies in near-critical reservoir, however, often will exhibit a relatively small change in gas oil ratio even though the well effluent has undergone significant changes In compesition. When ‘early production information indicate a near-critical reservoir field, sampling should be conducted ae econ ae possible after the well has been completed. Samples taken after pressure are in many cases, virtually useless for determining the original reservoir fluid Fundamentals of Reservoir Engincering a Character ination Ta0 ropertios and cannot be used in laboratory tests designed to predict fluid propertios at later stages of reservoir depletion. FLUID MEASUREMENTS DURING THE WELL CONDITIONING: Well conditioning Involves bottom hole pressure and temperature measurements and repeated measurements of tubing pressure and temperature, the rates of oil, gas & water flow through the separster, separator pressure & tempernture, stock tank oF production and bottom sediments & water production rate. ‘SAMPLING TECHNIQUES: There are essentially three sampling techniques for obtaining reservair analysis of pressure. volume and temperature (PVT ) relations. These. are commonly known as: 1. Bottom hole sampling (Sub-suriace sampling) 2. Recombination sampling (Surface sampling) 3. Split-stroam sampling (wall hoad sampling) + Sub-Surface Sampling Method (B.H.S.method) The sub-surface method consists of lowering a sampling deviee, usually called a = Bottom Hole Sampling” down the well to a pre-selected depth. A sample of the fluid at that depth Is trapped in a pressure tight section of the sampler. The sampler is brought to the surface where the sample ie taneferred to @ cultable container for conveyance to the laboratory. Different types of sampler used for bottom hele sampling are: 1) Ruska Subsurface Sampler 2) Flopetro! type sampier 9) Loutart type sampler 4) Kuster type sampler 5) Ol Phase single phase bottem hole sampler ericlarnieritals ef Reseroair ENgineering & Character iaa lon Aner the well has been conditioned for subaurtace aampling, the location of water level will be estimated by plotting the pressure as determined from the pressure survey, versus depth and sampling point will thorofore be selected, stops towards well preparation must be followed prior to the performance of sampling routines. The procedure for preparing the well indicate that it should have been producing with = stabilized gas oll ratio. It also suggests that the welll be as new as possible, so as to minimized free gas saturation. Three representative bottam hole samples of 600 cc should be tapped. A schematic well testing and sampling diagram of an oil well iz given in Fig.t. As per schematic diagram the subsurface samples are trapped after shut-in gradient survey. The gradiont survay Indicates the oll-gas and oll-water contacts in the tubing, After the gradiant survey the samplers are lowered upto the desired depth and samplers are tapped by Crack Opening process to get the most representative samples. Duplication of samples is Siways recommended for comparison purpose and lo provide one good sample if the container leaks during transportation. It iz recommended to trap three samples at a time + Surface Sampling Method: This method is gonerally satisfactory for nearly all typos of reservoir fluids. It is based on the fact that when tho well is producing in a steady state flow condition. the fluid at the surface condition is representatwe of the fluid In Gotlom hole condition near the perforation. Therefore. the sampling can be carried out at the surface. lt censiete of taking samples of equilibrium oll or condensate and gas from conventional field coparaior while making accurate measurements of separstor oll and gaz producing: rates. which prevail at the time of sampling. One separator is usually used but when multistage separator is used the samples are collected from the high-pressure separator. The separator gas and oll /condensate samples are subsequently recombined in laboratory te produce the reservoir fluid and the accuracy of field gae-oll ratio or gae- condensate measurements as the case may be. The oll/condeneate and gas samples should be taken at the same time to ensure that the separation parameters did not ehange during sampling. The recombination method of sampling is as good as the bettom hole sampling techniques tor reservows where flowing bottom hole pressures exceed the bubble point pressures in case of oll reservoirs, + Split Stroam Sampling Mothod ‘The split-stroam sampling method is primarily used in sampling of gas condensate wells A emailer diameter tube le ineerted in the middle of flow stream. Part of the flow le diverted to this tube inte either an awuliary separator or sampling bottles. In most cases, thie eampie Ie obtained by Inserting the lube In the tubing to @ depth of @ ar 10 Tt below the surtace or the flow stream just upstream of the separator. The split-ctrearn method of sampling loses its accuracy with high liquid content fluids. It Is difficult to ensure the Proper entry of gas and liquid into the sampling fluid for high flowing liquid-gas ratio. WIRELINE OPERATIONS & SURFACE HOOKUP Basically the surface: hook-up consist of the following: 1. Lupricator Assembly complete with sturting Box 8. Miscollanaous items such as Floor blocks, Weight Indicater, Line Wipor, Too! Trap ete. STUFFING BOX AND SHEAVE WHEEL The wire ie passed over the stuffing box sheave and through packing = inthe Stufing box. These stuffing boxes are composed of a stesl body with a quick union at the lower end and at the upper end. A pulley support of strong. light alloy ie mounted on lew frietion bearings and can turn 3600 around the stuffing box axis. A large diamotor pullot, which reduces fatigue ‘Stress in the line, revolves on a double ball Bearing. Fundamontals of Ronervot Enginccring i Characterictton Ta3 Ye Thread the wire initially through the packing, the fellowing procedures should be followed: + Thread the blow out plug retainer, blow out plug and then the packing. = Place the packing. blow out plug and plug retainer into the stuffing box = Pull approximately 10° wire: and cut before threading the stuffing box fer normal Make up the plug retainer not to compress the packing around the wire in the: stuffing box. Adjustments may have to be made during the course of operations, LUBRICATOR ASSEMBLY Lubricator aseembly for normal operations coneiet of three sections of @ feet each joined by self aligning unions. The top of this lubricator riser has a self aligning unions te accommodate stuffing box and at the bottom to connect with 2 9c" O.D. lawer riser sections. One release valve is attached at the bottom section. The lubricator clamp is fastonod approximately 1/3 of the way up the centre section. The wire line clamp is fastened to the lowor end of lubricater. Too! trap is placed between well head adopter and 6.0.P_ It prevent the too! loss during any snapping of the wire line in the lubricator during pulling out process. Pandamentals af Reservoir Engineering a Character I=ation Ta BLOW OUT PREVENTOR The BOP is hoisted by means of block and tackle suspended from the Gin pole and lowered into position on the tee connection. Manually operated ar Hydraulically operated B.0.P’s are available. The blind rama pressed against the plane wire sufficiontly to seal off any prosctire below the rams. H nosed be, pressure can be ‘equalized above and below the rams. It is important that the two rams be operated simultaneously. TELESCOPING GIN POLE Gin pole te used to raise the lubricator to the top of the wire line .0.P. maintaining ine pole be 1 Securely fixed at boom Be properly bound to the tree wii Rope blocks and rope are used to obtain the mechanical advantage to lift and lower the lubricator with ease. For a mechanical advantage of 3:1 or 4:1. normally a block of wo pulleys ie used load binder and chain. LOAD GELL: The toad cell senses the weight of the “pull” which Includes the combined Used with UNITED ‘s Gauges and measuring meters. Fundamentals of Roscreotr Engineering de Clr actertaae torr Ta5 WEIGHT INDICATORS: During wire line jobs, it ls necessary to load the measuring line to ite maximum safe load. Among the various types that have been developed ara: + Hydraulic = Electronic These instruments aro calibrated in pounds and indicate the total load oF ling tonsion at the peint on the line which actuates tne weight indicator. On the downward wip, the weight indicator should be watched for the following reasons = Indicates weights of the tools and wire in the hole until fluid level Is passed when sere 7 ban allgetllenmeoniad oF Wasi mind Rai a aa nats ELIS = Complete lees in the weight indicate the following: 3. Running inte an obstruction in tubing. The Gauges registers the waight as sensed by the Load Cell and available in Fundamentals of Roscroolr Engincoring a Characterizaaion Ta0 8 to 21000 ke 8 i So00 6S 0 te b.000 KS FLOOR BLOCK or HAY PULLEYS Floor block is necessary to bring the measuring line down to @ position where it may be handled with ease (Horizontal) from the tree to the wire line unit aswell as Bringing the point of pull from the top of lubricator to the base of the lubricator. These are available in following sizes. + Tin. Sheave = 124. Sneave 17 Favalcerenaale if Naerraar Engiirarangy ce @Viararctara lowering the lubricator or may be used during fishing operations to hold ‘showing through the B.O.P. MEASURING DEVICE: One of the very important wire line accesories that fe always used when performing any type of wire line work ic the measuring device. The reasone for ite importance is that operator must knew the location of his teol with relation to the well head. The lubrication of the tool as It approaches the well head when being pulled out is of utmost importance head stuffing box, possibly breaking the measuring line, resulting into a fishing job and SP Sy Revi lees id a erdectncaibcaal AG Nad iar eaenLt Gare mana ase reliable is one in which the line is held in slippage free contact with an accuratoly ground, hardened measuring wheel driving @ counter or odometer which registers in linear units the length of measuring line which has contacted the measuring wheel. The measuring device Ia normally mounted on a movable support so that it Is fros to move vertically and laterally guided by the measuring line as if Is unspoiled from a reel on its way te the weil head. Fiandamontale of Rowereotn Panginecring, a Chanacteraaion Tas WELL HEAD ADOPTER Well head adepter te placed over the X-mas wee by remaving of the bull plug. Lower end is compatible with flange of the tree @ tveaded portion facilitate the cannection of 8.0.7. of lubricator by hand union connection WIRE LINE TOOLS The wire line taal string Is necessary for sufficient surtace control of the running, pulling and operation of the down hole tools. They can be on solid steel measuring line. As assembly af toale ia used to deliver surface controlled impact either upward ar downward to lock of Unlock controls. set in the well The wire line tools are means of: + Attaching the subsurface controls to the wire line socket + Adding the weight required to sink the tools in differant gravity well fluids with the stom. + Securing a hammering effect with jara = Obtaining flexibility through the knuckle joint = Attaching the required running or pulling tools. Wire line tools generally consist of = Rope socket, Stem, Jars. Running or pulling tool, Paraffin scratcher and cutter, Impresson block, Ge devils, Hydrostatic baler, Spear oF wire retriever. blind Box. Fendamontals of Reservoir Engineering ae Characteriaaion Ta5, ROPE SOCKET: 1 42" rope socket Is designed to connect the slick line 0.082". 0.082" tothe down hole string. The following procedure is recommended tor tying knot. = Take the wire already threaded through stuffing box. Pull the wite by 15 feet to enable plenty of wire to work with(Eneure to kink or sharp bend occure) = The rope socket body, spring and then thimble are threaded onto the wire. + The spool ic then held firmly in vice or clamp = The free end Is then passed behind the speal and tension is held on the main wire. + The free end le then wrapped tightly around the tensioned ‘end until 8 -10 tune are made. = The erection of wrap should be suddenly reversed and tree lend tured from side to side tll fatigue effect breaks off sae ate close to the knot. + The knot is complete, pull the wire through the rope socket until the spring. thumble, spool are uptight inside the body. Prmcarontale of Rascrvai Engineering a Chavactertaaion ‘The wire line stem is supplied in three different lengths of 2. 3° & 5". The function of tho stem Is to add a moving mass to accurate the action of jars. The effectlveness of the Impact delivered by the jars may be increased by increasing total weight of stem= Used. The stems is available in three different category as par the need of the operations. + Solid bar eter. + Roller stem. = Lead filled stom. HYDRAULIC JARS. ~——————— Hydraulic jars are designed for upward jarring. The impact of the stroke is propertional to the strain of the wire line and to the weight of the stem used. Since hydraulic jar de net permit, downward jarring, mechanical jars are run in conjunction with hydraulic jare. Hydraulic jar ie placed between ctem and mechanical jare MECHANICAL JARS Mechanical jars are of spang type or tubular type. The jar utilizes the weight of the stems: connected immediately above it to deliver effective jarring impacts to the tool or equipment below it. The jarring Impact ean be delivered both upward & downward. The effectlveness of the Impact largely depends on the weight of the stem and length of the stoke Used: however the size and straighiness of wbing, size and depth of tol, density and viscosity ef fluid in tubing, well pressure are factors must be censidered. Tubular Jars are mainly used during fishing for wire lost in the hole. KNUCKLE JOINT Fundamentals of Revervolr Engincerinig a Character alan Knuckle joint has a ball ewivel action in ie mic section. Its purpose Is to provide texibilty to the string of tools and also to enable the tocls to pass through crooked tubing or doviaiad weil. The knuckle joint iz usually placed below the jars. In extreme crooked tubing. knuckle Joint may bo used in between stem and jar and alse below the: jar PARAFFIN CUTTER: Paratiin cutter io circular at base with a sharp cutting edge and is primarily used to remave paraffin and scale deposits from the tubing wall. The outside diameter ia tubing nit and can be used to gauge tubing. Paraftin cutter is lowered after allowing the well 10, flow through cheke. The tool allows wax to flow through when cut from the walls of tubing. PARAFFIN SCRATCHE! Paraffin scratcher is usually 2 S/@" rod with smail hole spiraled around the rod so that wire may be Inserted horizontally te eneure that the walle of the tubing are clean and full gauge. the paraffin cutter Ia run after the scrateher. IMPRESSION BLOCK: Impression block ie simply a load filled cylinder with a pin through the leaded section to prevent loosing the lead. A downward tap against fish will give an impression of the fish lop. This Impression helps operator to Identity the type Of the 100! ta be used for tishing, SETTING UP OF WIRE LINE UNIT (On arrival at the well, the unit chould be positioned in the following manner: + The operator must be able to see the stuffing box and floor block from wire line In truck mounted unit, the tuck chould be braked and oubstantial checks: should be placed behind the rear wheels to prevent mevement of unit while in operation. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Cheracteriza ton 2 Once the rope socket is made and lubricator sections are assembled, string of tools are connected and passed through the bottom end of the lubricator so that tee! top Is visible at the other ond of lubricator. The rope socket is made up on the tool string. Any frao wire. between the rope socket and stuffing box is then drawn carefully back through the stuifing box until the self aligning union can be made up to join the stuffing box to the top of the lubricator( at no etage wire chould get crimped or bent). The wire Ie then brought Out cide the lubricator and clamped. Gin pole assembly helps in hoisting the lubricator on top of the BOP. The Gin pole aesembly Is mounted in the follewing ways: Ensure first that the telescopic section slide freely within one anether. Make sure that the pulleys and hoisting rope are Unraveled and ready for use. Hook the top pulley back to the eye in the top section of the Gin pole Place the Gin pole in the vertical position ensuring that the base of the Gin polo Is resting over any of the nuts in the cross flange. Gin pole ahould not obstruct operation of any valve. Then it must be securely chained and boomed ‘The Gin pole is then oxtonded ensuring that the extonded sections are: securaly pinned te pravent sudden retraction when loaded with the lubricator weight. > The lubricator pulley ehould be maintained at ground level and then connected to the clamp in the lubricator. yyvy yy The lubricator complete with stutting box and tools Is then hoisted by pulling the free end ff the rope. The lubricator is hoisted to its vertical position above the BOP next the floor block Is shackled to the weight Indicator transducer. The weight indicator transducer is chained securely to the tree. The floor block should be close to the foot of tree. With the floor block ie place, the wire is passed through it and the wire Is tensioned by wire line Unit taking Up the slack wire, The wire line clamp ie removed carefully. The bore of the lubricator is then pushed off centre by the helper so that the gentle release of the break on the unit will lower the etring to the tubing hanger flange and odometer on the unit ta made Zere-Zero. Fundamontals of Rescrvoir Engineering & Charicterizaton 73 The tools fer the particular wire line job to be under taken are attached to the bottom of the standard string of tools. The complete sot of the tools are raised into the lubricator land the end of the lubricator is lowered into the top ef BOP and self aligning union is made up. The bleed valve is slowly opened ensuring no sudden pressure surge is placed in the lubricator. When the pressure in equalired between tubing and lubricator, the master valve can be opened rapidly. At this point high lubricating oll is applied to the wire on the spool and also the wire leading up to floor sheave- this lubricates the stuffing box packing facilitating easy passage of wire At this point weight indicator should be adjusted to Zero. Geing down the hole should be steady, keeping watchful eye on weight indicator. The unit should be braked immediately at the point of any obstruction so as to avoid coiling up or kink in the wire. The weight of the string of tools should be accurately noted before latching on any fishing neck in the andre! or D-nippie. Loss in weight or gain in weight gives an indication whether the equipment is set in the nipple or retrieved out of the nipple, Any substantial loss in ‘weight ie alarming as it indicates loas of complete or part of the atring of tools. WIRELINE WINCHES: Wire line winches generally use the hydraulic circuit and are packed in two separate sections. One skid contains wireline ree! and controls, and other section diese! engine, hydraulic pump and tanke. The hoses with quick couplings connect the two sections. ‘To operate the unit proceed as follow: Place control valve in stop position. Move real select lever to the front or rear position as desired Shift 4-cpead transmission to desired goar. Release the brake lever from reel being used. 5. Control forward or reverse movement of the selected reel by mean of reel 6. Adjust tension on wireline by means of system pressure knob on panel. This relief valve can be set at a low pressure and then the wireline can be fed into the hale which operator maintaina the eantral valve in “up” pasitian. The central valve works as an effective brake system and the operator can slowly increase, the system pressure setting as more wire feeds inte the hole. 7. Adjust engine throttle to euit load cenditions, Fundamonsals of Resereotr Engineering, Chirnactertzation Ta + Slick line waits designed and built for all sizes of wire auch as 0.082) 0.108" and 9/16" diameters. + Stearay pipe cage with compact and heavy-duty base skids and suitable eyes. = Line speed available from 2700 fvmin at surface te 1200 ft/min. at 20.000 tt. Also, line pull availabla trom 2800 Ibs at surtaca 12 5500 Ibs at 20,000 ft. + Smooth and reliable hydraulic open and closed loop system as per customers choice. = Level wind feature allows the oparator te guide incoming line evenly on the reel = Prossure compensated hydraulic control to maintain the drum F.P.M. at varying loads. = Pracision RPM contrel from the operator consols, = Proscure compensation feature which ensures that line speed will romain same. regardless of changes in load = Isolating valve in the suction line for trouble free maintenance. = Suitable raliof valves provided in the hydraulic system to avoid accident. + Fall safo broak to stop the drum automatically in the event of any failure in tho hydraulic system or engine shut dower. = Triplex roller chain drive for smooth transferring of power to the reel drum. + Singlo lever system for raising, lowering or stopping in tho well if required. neutral position. + Lock system to Keep drum in staady position for long time in lowered condition + Quick release coupling for easy mounting of hydraulic noses. = Dual brake band to act on both sides of the drum which can be operated by hand of by foot az the convenience of the operator ne) WIRELINE SERVICE TOOLS Towing walls to loosen paraitin trom the bing string LD. Paraffin scratchers consist of rod with a fishing neck and a pin thread connection om the upper end. Holes perpendicular te the center line are drilled through the rod below the fishing neck. Fandamentals of Reservoir Borgineerings a Character tation se Required length of 0.092" diameter wire are inserted through the holes te form = brush Ike tool. The length Of the wire can be easily changed to accommodate diferent tubing Drs. Impression of objects in the tubing string. Impression beck consist of a steel nusing with @ pin thraad connection and a fiching neck on the upper end anc a molded load Insert held in the lower end by stec! pins. These tools are mainly used during fizhing to determine the shape and position of the object being retleved, the tubing string. Wireline gmbe consist of a housing with a fishing neck and a pin thread connection an yhe upper end and either two or three flexible, barbed prongs en the lower end. The wireline grab O.D. correspende to the driff diameter of the tubing string. WIRELINE SAFETY Libneater and Stuffing Box: 1. The packing nut of stuffing box should not be very loose as. It will start leaking. Tighten it to the limit that wire neede ome pull to go acroee it. 2. Make up all unions completely. and ensure that the “O' rings are not damaged betore making up a union. 3. Needle Valve: Ensure that it is open before installing lubricator or while removing 4. Never climb or hammer a lubricator when it is under pressure. 5. Never stand below the lubricator while raging UpY down, always clamp the wire. 6. Open Crown valve elowly till lubricator is pressurized. 7. Al tool string and control devices! pressure bombs should be accommodated in the lubricator, BLOW OUT PREVENTOR (BOP): 1. Check ram movement before Installing. you need to use It for emergency and Jammed ram then is not desirable, 2. Install pup-Joint on welll top adaptor. fit BOP, close ram, crack open crown valve land check for leakage In pup-joint connection and across rams. Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering & Characterization 7 3. Always use equalizer valve to equilise across rams. Attompts to open rams shall damage the ram elements which shall not seal against pressure later. WIRELINE WINCH: 1. Ensure that the ree! skid Is properly secured before undertaking a wireline job. 2. Check the condition of the wire. Corrosion & pitting will render tweak and may snap while doing the job. Never get rough trying to engage gears-you may end up breaking the gear pin or Ensure that dapth motor is working okay. Don't leave wiraline unit unattended while pulling out or running in. Take care of moving parts — it can be dangerous especially with loose clothings. Prior to starting the engine check: exgge A. Engine oi 2. Diesel Hydraulic Ou D. Hore connections are properly made up 9. Alor finishing a job ensure that wire or drum iz coated with grease te avoid WEIGHT INDICATOR: 1. Ghack the gap of the load cell fi, Ensure it is securely tied to rigid place with stronger rope: li. Gheek tor it working off the indicator before proceeding with the job. WIRELINE: | When cutting wite make eure that neither end can fly out. Hi. When loaving wireline string in hole, close BOP. clamp the wire & put markors on the wire between well head & winch. i, Make suro that there is enough wire on tho drum to reach the total dopth of the well Frandamentalaag Reservoir Engineering a Characterization Ta GENERAL PRACTICES To BE FOLLOWE! + Write down length, OD & description of the components of strings prior to running In. + When running in a well for the first time check string weight frequently. + While scaling X-mas tree your foot hold and hand holds before going up. Never stand or grasp valve handles thay may turn. prevent damage te your ear drums. + Before closing the crown valve after pulling out ensure that the string i= in + Count the number of turns to close the valve. + Don't bleed it from lubricator, it shall spray all around, check bleeding arrangement leat it may lead to fire. Prefer a long bleed pipe away from the rating, + Inform concemed process complex about closure and opening details. + Advice concerned people fer not closing master/ crown valves when bottom hole survey is in progress. Total Well Management A Methodology for Maximizing Gil Production and Minimizing Operating Costs. Ollifeld operators continually need to verify that their wolls are being produced at the optimum capacity and in a cost affective manner. An integrated analysis of the pumping system ie required to reduce operating costs, increase oll praduetion and increase net Income. The Integrated analysis of the pumping system must include the perrermance and interaction of all the elements: the prime mover, surtace equipment, well bere equipment, down hole pump, down hole gas separstor and the reservolr. This integrated analysis methedology is called Total Well Management, TWM. The TWM analysis is made based on data obtainad at the surface without antaring the well bore and yialds an accurate representation of the conditions that exist on the surface, within the weil bore And within the teservair. TWM examples af rod pumped wells, ESP pumped wella, PC pumped wella and other well analyses are presented. Echometer Digttal Well Analyzer + Acoustic Liquid Level Instrument + Pressure Transient Tester Fiandamantals of Rowervalr Enginecring a Characterization Ts9 + Dynamometer + Motor Power/Current Analysis an CF ‘The Wall Analyzer Is a portable computerized instrument for obtaining @ complate wot sratyate: pe " ne " ‘The Well Analyzer Io an Integrated aniticiel tin data acquisition and diagnostic system that allows an operator to maximize oll and gae production and minimize operating expense. Well productivity, reservoir pressure. overall efficiency. equipment loading and well performance are derived from the combination of measurements of surface pressure, acoustic tiquid level, dynamometer, power and pressure transient response. ‘This portable aystam is basad on a pracision analog to digital converter controlled by = notebook computor with Windews-based application. The Well Analyzer acquires, stores, processes, displays and manages the data at the well site to give an immediate analysis of the wail's operating condition. Fusnciamonsals of Reservoir Engincarinng, Character tata Tao Acoustic Liquid Lovel Tests : Tho Echomater Well Analyzer is used in conjunction with a gas gun/microphone assembly to datormine the liquid level depth in a woll Normally, the liquid level dapth is detarmined in the casing annulus, but also, the liquid level depth can be measured inside tubing in gas wells. An acoustic pulse is generated lat the surface of the well. The acoustic pulse travels through the gas and Ie raflected by changes in area including tubing collars and the liquid tevel software automatically processes thie acoustic liquid level depth. Concurent with the acoustic liquid level depth measurement, an initial and two" minute build-up casing pressure tests aro performed. The casing Fundamontale of Raxarcoir nginearing de Character tuaion Tet accurate date, which is. used to oaloullate botlomhole — pressur Numerous iagnestic and analysis plots are: available Inctescing casing pressure vs. time, liquid level vs. time, botlomhole pressure vs. time, lon-tog with derivative, Horner plot, MDH plot and radial flow | typo curves. Real time “omen -oF Hine iets veces itd weaier sere vetkumeanld bo prescscicars wemecscire semitone objectives have been reached. Dynamemeter A aynamometer analysis I lana performance of a beam pump system. Pod performance and downhole gas separator Performance can be: determined. An easy-to inetall compact polished rod transducer is Bitached to the polished rad below the carrier bar in a few seconds. The polished rad waneducer offers cafe and easy acquisition of lead and pesitien data with cufticient accuracy for most analysis. A quantitative horseshoe load ceil that Is installed between Functamentals of Raservoir Engineering ce Characterination Tea the carrer bar and the polished rod clamp allows the acquisition of load precise accuracy. An accelerometer within the transducers provides a reliable technique to determine polished rod pesition. With beth dynamometers, a surface dynamometer card and a downhele pump card are calculated and displayed. Traveling valve and standing valve teste can be performed. When using a horseshoe transducer, a permissible load diagram and torque analysis are available. A motor current sensor allows acquisition of motor current data with the dynamometer data for balancing and motor size and motor performance analysis. Motor Power Analysis A motor power/current sensor measures both power and current. The power and current data ie processed to determine electrical costs, overall electtical efficiency, gear box torque, power factor, motor leading and other electrical parameters. The minimum sive motor Is recommended. To balance a well, the operator simply inputs the weight of the counter-woights to be moved and the program calculates the distance that the countor- weights should be moved. Fer examples ef power and torque Gun / Microphone Assemblies The Echometer Well Analyzer can be used with @ variety of gas gune/microphone assemblies. The gas gun generates an acoustic pules which travels down the casing annulus gas and ic reflected by collars and the liquid lovel. The reflected acoustic pulse Is converted into an olectrical signal by the gas gun microphone. A ramote fire gas gun is narmaily supplied with the Well Analyzer and is necessary for unattended pressure transient data acquisition. A manual fire 1.500 PSI compact gas gun can be operated in the explosion or implosion mede. High prossure gas from the wall can be released into the compact gas gun to create the initial pulse so that an extemal gas supply is not required. 5,000 and 15,000 PSI gas guns are available for high-pressure applications, Precision pressure transducers with a wide range of pressure ratings are available for use with the various gas guns. Tea Data Processing All wall data and acquirad data are storad on the Wall Analyzer notabook computer. The acquired data can be recalled, viewed and analyzed in conjunction with the well data 10 perform @ complete well analysis. The analysis can be printed. Sofware can be loaded on office computers te allow viewing of field data. The software can be downloaded from the wab If desired. Specifications and Dimensions The Well Analyzer is @ state-of-the-ait instrument using sigma-delta analog to digital converters, precision sensors, shiaidad cablas and usertrendly Windows sofwara. The total weight of the complete Well Analyzer system Is 75 Ibs. (85 Kg). The complete Well Analyzer system Is shipped in two packages having approximate dimensions of 20° x 20" x 20" each. The instrument is compact, rugged and designed to be used in hot, cold, humid and dry conditions. Additional information about dimensions and weights can be suppliod depending upon the particular options desired. Foandamantals of Reservoir ERaineering o& Cheracteriaation Tet

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