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Class: II B.E I Sem

Sub: ADSA Lab


1. Write C++ Programs to Implement Stack ADT using an Array.
2. Write C++ Programs to Implement Queue ADT using an Array.
3. Write C++ Programs to Implement Stack ADT using a Singly Linked List.
4. Write C++ Programs to Implement Queue ADT using a Singly Linked List.
5. Write C++ Program to Implement De queue ADT using a Doubly Linked List.
6. Write a C++ Program to Perform Inserting an Element, Deleting an Element, and
Search for a Key Element in a Binary Search Tree.
7. Write a C++ Program to implement Circular Queue ADT using an Array.
8. Write C++ Programs that use non- recursive functions to traverse the given binary
tree in Pre Order, In Order and Post Order.
9. Write a C++ Program for the Implementation of BFS and DFS for a given Graph.
10. Write C++ Programs for Implement the following Sorting Methods:
a) Quick Sort

b) Merge Sort

c) Heap Sort

11. Write C++ Program to Perform the following Operations

a) Insertion into a B Tee

b) Deletion from a B Tree

12. Write C++ Program to Perform the following Operations

a) Insertion into an AVL Tee
b) Deletion from an AVL Tree
13. Write a C++ Program to Implement Kruskals algorithm to generate a Minimum
Spanning Tree.
14. Write a C++ Program to Implement Prims algorithm to generate a Minimum
Spanning Tree.
15. Write a C++ Program to implement all the functions of a Dictionary (ADT) using

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