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Rachel Moranty

Mr. Kauppi
Foundations P. 2
6 October 2015
Challenge #2 Rationale

I chose the connect aspect of Da Vinci. I chose to focus on this aspect of Da Vinci

because in my piece I connect to the real world. I love to make symbolism and connect to other
things through my art. In this piece I drew a pink circle representing the common idea of a girl
and the blue square representing the common idea of a boy. The blue square is overlapping the
pink circle representing the real world problem we have with gender equality and how men are
paid more than women doing the same job. Another connection in my piece is that there is one
more line in the pink circle compared to the blue square representing the population of the world
and women power.

The principal of design I chose to connect to is rhythm. Rhythm connects to the connect

aspect of Da Vinci because in rhythm you have to repeat lines or shapes and that connects to
keeping your eyes moving. Also you can connect like in the Da Vinci pillars by connecting
rhythm to music.

My work of art is a representation of the unequal rights the world has when it comes to

men and women. I drew a blue square with 10 lines overlapping a pink circle with 11 lines. This
is suppose to represent the common idea of boys and their overpower of the common idea of
girls. The background is purple representing the hopeful future of equal rights for men and
women because pink and blue make purple. I chose connect as my aspect of Da Vinci because I
connected my art to an equal rights problem in the world. I chose rhythm as my principal of

design because I repeated lines and forms in my piece to make a pattern and movement. My art
connects rhythm and the connects Da Vinci pillar together by having rhythm in the piece and
seeing the connection to a real world problem through the rhythm of the piece. You notice the
multiple lines and rhythm of the shapes and then perhaps the connection to equal rights for men
and women.

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