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Rachel Moranty

Ms. Curmano
Honors English P. 6
13 March 2016
Review on Legally Blonde
My experience with Troupe 1096 production of Legally Blonde the Musical on Friday
was incredible. I am a mics apprentice for the show. I think the talent in the show is
unbelievable. Ana Koshevoy was a great Elle Woods and has an amazing voice. I loved
everyones enthusiasm. Curtis Salinger really connected to his character, Emmet Forest. The
Greek Chorus girls made me feel happy. Tillys character named Vivian was awesome. The
songs were catchy and everyones voices were very good. I enjoyed the courtroom scene
because I love the Gay or European song. I am so honored to be a part of such an incredible
show. The sound is beyond anything thats ever been done in this troupe and Im glad I was a
part of that. William Barney, Monty Daniel, and Bailey Kord are amazing heads and role
models. I loved working with my crew. I had fun and I hope I get to do this again. I am so
proud of everyone on the troupe that made this show possible. The fast costume changes are
really impressive and I enjoyed the playful costumes. The show sounded great and the lights
were amazing. I am very happy to say that the sound of the show went very well. Everyone on
mics and sound crew put in a lot of hard work to make sure the sound was on point. The
painting looked so professional. The props looked liked they belonged there. I love the fact that
there were real dogs in the show. Rufos was adorable. Overall, the show was lovely and
probably the best show done by this troupe.

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