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Ancient Rome Pre-test

1. Augustus, the ruler of the Roman Empire was a

a.) Tyrant
b.) Kind man
c.) Peaceful Ruler
d.) Philosopher
2. The Five Good Emperors ruled Rome
a.) After Julius Caesar
b.) Before Julius Caesar
c.) After Augustus
d.) Before Augustus
3. Romans practiced
a.) Polytheism
b.) No specific religion
c.) Monotheism
d.) Hinduism
4. Roman structures that carried water over long distances were
a.) Villas
b.) Aqueducts
c.) Mercenaries
d.) Epistles
5. The Colosseum was a peaceful place where Roman men could take
their wife and slaves for a picnic. True or False? _______________________
6. A person in ancient Rome who fought in an arena for entertainment of
the public is known as a what?
a.) Martyr
b.) Patrician
c.) Gladiator
d.) Messiah
7. The amount of freedom a woman in ancient Rome enjoyed depended
on her husbands wealth and status. True or False?
8. Each __________ , or area of the empire, had a Roman governor
supported by an army.
a.) Villa
b.) Province
c.) City-state
d.) Township
9. With the rule of Augustus, a period of stability and prosperity known as
the __________ began.
a. Pax Romana

Ancient Rome Pre-test

b. Golden Age
c. Ice Age
d. Peaceful Age

An arena in ancient Rome
a.) Circus
b.) Stadium
c.) Temple
d.) Parthenon

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