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Dental Health Lesson Plan:

(Subject: Math)
1. Objectives:
a. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of multiplication
b. Students will be able to demonstrate an overall understanding of division.
2. Procedures:
a. Teacher will hand out a math worksheet with multiplication and division
b. Teacher will explain how to complete the question with the QR code in order to
find the answer.
c. Teacher will further demonstrate how to do so with the classroom iPads.
d. Teacher will allow all students to complete worksheet.
e. Teacher will then assign a Prezi project in table groups that will include the
answers that each table came up with.
f. Teacher will show sample Prezi, and then allow students to begin.
g. Students (in table groups) will present their Prezis.
3. Materials:
a. Smart board to demonstrate QR codes and movie makers.
b. iPads to scan QR codes.
c. Computers with internet access to complete Prezi assignment
4. Accommodations:
a. Special needs:
i. Larger screen/ magnifying materials for seeing impaired students.
ii. Verbal reading assistant for slow learners.
b. Non-native:
i. Translators will be available by the district to read information needed to
answer the questions (however, the math itself will be achievable alone).

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