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Brenden Fair .

UWRT 1102
Growing up in Midland, North Carolina I have been subjected to the culture of hunting
and all its facets. Im what you would call a country boy, I prefer to go out and get my meals for
myself rather than have someone raise my meat artificially. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer to
eat meat that I went out hunted, cured, and cooked by myself just like my best friends dad while
he was growing up. Whilst my best friends dad was growing up in upstate New York, the deer
would eat all of the towns crops so during the open season they would go out and hunt the deer
to preserve their crops and to have venison for the next year to eat. Every November, My best
friends father takes my best friend and I to up to up-state New York to hunt the same grounds
that he hunted to carry on the tradition his father started and to hunt for deer that my best friends
grandfather can eat for the rest of the year. This paper I believe is going to take the path of an
essay that will go into more depth on how meat we kill for is better than the meat you but at the
The main question I will be answering in this paper is how much better is meat you kill
on your own than the meat you could get just simply going to the store to get. I love going
hunting for the meat I eat because I know how the meat is taken care of and where the meat is at
all times. I can also look at the hormones that are produced from meats you buy at the stores than
the meat you go out and kill. The meat that I go out and get on my own can be more dangerous
though because if the meat is not taken care of properly then the meat can go bad, and if it is
eaten you can become very sick. Some sources I will have to be familiar with is websites that

talk about how to preserve your meat, and websites that talk about farmed meat being bad for
you. So in conclusion, hunting isnt just about killing innocent animals. Hunting is about
providing fresh meat, upholding sentimental traditions, and sustenance.


When did hunting being?

When did rules and regulations begin?
What is important about how you process the meat?
Why did people hunt?
Why do people hunt today?
What guns do people like to use?
Why do people want to live off their land?
What keeps people coming back to hunt if they had a dry season the year before?
Why do people like the outdoors?
10. Why are people against hunting?

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