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Reasons and statistics for Teenage Pregnancy

Parents were teenage mothers
Source 1: (Teen pregnancy and Abortion)- Single
parents, not at home as often
Source 2: (About Health)- Living in poverty, working
several jobs
Uneducated about sex
Source 1: (Tackling Teen pregnancy)- Not enough detail
in sex education courses
Source 2: (Teen pregnancy and Abortion)- Programs
that fully educate and support young mothers
"It won't happen to me"
Source 1: (Teenage pregnancy)- Not practicing
abstinence or safe sex
Source 2: (Teenage pregnancy)- Unaware of the options
or support

II. Teenage parents

Most parents aren't able to support their child(ren)
Source 1: (Teenage pregnancy and Abortion)- Less than
1/3 receive a high school diploma
Source 2: (About health)- 85% of pregnancy's are
Health risks
Source 1: (About health)- Young mothers bodies are still
growing themselves

Source 2: (Teen pregnancy Cause and Effect)- Young

parents are too scared to tell parents, delay in prenatal care
III.Every teenage pregnancy situation is different
My view 1: Having the full support of both families and
My view 2: Father choosing not to stay in the picture
My view 3: "Ideal" situation is still difficult for parent(s) and

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