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Geography Acc. P2
October 18,2014
In the excerpt of Mark Twains Life on the Mississippi, there are
many examples of the five themes of geography. This tells everything
from the way they lived, to how they adapted to their surroundings.
The excerpt tells how their lives changed through the time period that
they lived in, and how they reacted. Here are a few examples of how
the book relates to each of the five themes:
In chapter 11 of Life on the Mississippi, Twain says, In this
flatboat the family would have to cook and eat and sleep for a lesser
number of days(or possibly weeks), until the river should fall two or
three feet. This is an example of Human Environment Interaction. This
shows that the people adapted to the river rising. The environment
alters itself, causing the people to have to live on their flatboats.
In chapter 17 of Life on the Mississippi, it describes that the
Mississippi river has taken possession of a little ditch. This has
quadrupled the value of the countrymans plantation. This is an
example of place because the rising of the river (a body of water) has
brought much fortune to a countryman. This is classified as a physical
characteristic of place.
Chapter 35 of Life on the Mississippi is an example of movement.
The idea of railroads has spread to all river towns, because it will

Geography Acc. P2
October 18,2014
bring in wealth and upbuilding. This is movement of ideas because
all of the towns along the river have heard of the railroads, and are
very fond of it. Twain believes that this will lead to an increased
population and wealth.
In chapter 44 of the excerpts, Twain talks about how the people
and houses American end of the city are al the same. The houses are
massed in blocks; are

austerely plain and dignified; uniform pattern. The theme of

geography that this is an example of is region. The American side of
the city is all the same all the way through, this puts it under the
category of human regions because it is a part of their culture.
Life on the Mississippi is a great example of the five themes of
geography. It has many different variations of each one, and puts into
perspective how the themes affect everyday life. Also, the journey
across the Mississippi shows you how peoples lives can change in an
instant, and how fast information travels. America has come along way
since then, and has changed tremendously.

Geography Acc. P2
October 18,2014

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