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The Victorian Times

Editor- Alex Mondi

June 20, 1837

Victoria Takes Throne

The Opium Wars

The Anglo- Chinese Opium Wars were the
direct result of Chinas isolation and
exclusionary trade policy with the West. The
Chinese have a port open for trade called
Canton that really only accepts silver for the
Chinese to sell. One thing that China desires,
but doesnt have is Opium. Companies use
the cheap opium to make medicines, even
though the Chinese government prohibits it
for medicinal use. In 1837, British merchants
were frustrated with Chinese trade laws, but
they did not want to deal with the Chinese
federals. The emperors emissary, Lin ze-ux,
ordered for 1,600 arrests and seizure of all
opium in China. Charles Elliot, a British
official, seized 9 million dollars worth of
opium, which was burned publically burned.
In return of the closure of Canton, Charles
Elliot closed off the Pearl River, which
caused a naval battle. The result of this battle
was Britain controlled most of Canton and the
cities of Ningbo and Chinhai. The British
military also had control on land that gave
control of Chinas vast rice fields and large
cities, causing the Qin- Dynasty to lose
control of the country.

On June 20, 1837 Victoria took the throne at 18 over her uncle,
William IV. As she is now under reign, maybe she can bring the British
Empire to its peak. Victoria is receiving England at the height of its overseas
powers. The new throned queen has written in her diary that she is alone
because she is at such a young age with such a big responsibility. Also, she is
throned a fatherless girl and did not want any assistance from her mother the
day she was announced queen because she wants to become a responsible
queen on her own. The queen realizes that she is young and a little
inexperienced, but she wants to show her country she had goodwill and love
for them. The English citizens watch and hope that the queen will fulfill the
role of her late uncle.

Queen Victoria succeeded to throne after death of uncle

Child Laborwrong
There is no good reason for kids nowadays to be working like
mules. Adults should be the only ones working because they are
the ones supplying for the family. People believe that if their
kids dont work, the family isnt wealthy. If some unlucky
children cannot find an apprenticeship or a job as a servant, they
are forced to become prostitutes. No child should be faced with
that decision in their adolescent years. If children should be
forced to work, they should be given work hours based upon
their age. Children should be responsible for whatever school
work they may have, not to worry about putting food on the
table. If you are above 16 and not in school, you should look for
a job or apprenticeship because you have no other worries or

Victorias Right Hand Man

Benjamin Disraeli was the prime minister of London twice for 12
years. On his return home from his Europe travels he dropped the
study of law and pursued one in writing and literature. Disraeli and
John Murray had created a newspaper called The Representative.
His first novel Vivien Gray, brought him 200 pounds that sparked
his writing career. He first stood as an Independent Radical for the
running of Wycombe, but registered to the Tory Party after Lord
Chancellor became his partner. Benjamin married Mary Anne
Wyndham Lewis who was 12 years older than him. This got him a
lot of publicity because it was said he only married her for her
money. After his speech at the House of Commons on the attack on
Peel for the disregarding of conservative views, he was elevated to
The House of Lords. The meeting of The Congress Of Berlin
culminated the signing of The Treaty of Berlin and Diraeli was
claimed to have won peace with honor.

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