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retmen Adaylarnn Yanstma Raporlarnda Dikkate Alaca Sorular:

1. Was I able to accomplish my goals?

2. What teaching materials did I use?
3. How effective were they?
4. What techniques did I use? (What learning activities did I employ?)
5. What kinds of interaction occurred in my classroom?
6. What kind of grouping arrangements did I use and how effective they were?
7. Did the students contribute actively to the lesson? What are the indicators?
8. Were they challenged by the lesson? Why / Why not?
9. What didnt my students respond well to?
10. What did they like most about the lesson?
11. What learning styles and strategies do my learners favor?
12. What kind of on-the-spot decisions did I make while I teach? Were they effective?
13. How effectively did I utilize learning opportunities within the lesson?
14. What opportunities did my learners have for authentic language use in my lesson?
15. Which parts of my lesson were most successful?
16. Which parts of my lesson were least successful?
17. Was my philosophy of teaching reflected in the lesson?
18. Did I discover anything new about my teaching?
19. What are my strengths and limitations as a language teacher at present?
Yanstma raporlar deerlendirilirken aadaki tablodan yararlanlacaktr:

4-5-6-7-9-10-12. sorularn yantlar

analiz yaplmam

Sadece olaylar zinciri yer almaktadr. Basit aklamalar

vardr. rn.16. dersin girii baarlyd


Tm sorularn yantlar ksaca yazlm

Yeterli aklama ve analiz yok


Tm sorular kapsanm

Aklamalar ayrntl, analiz yaplm ancak

deerlendirme ve gelitirilmi neriler eksik


Tm sorular ve bunlarn dnda kalan

durumlar kapsanm

Aklamalar ayrntl, analiz sentez ve deerlendirme

yaplm, neriler gelitirilmi (critical reflection level)

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