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Commands activation

modes of operation

To be use different commands for a mode of operation must be as an

administrator or assume a role that includes the Service Management rights

STARTUP command

For starting a database there are three phases start to perform these steps we
can use a command more startup, the three phases are:

No phase Assembly: system parameters are read, memory structures and

background processes are started. The instance is started without attaching it
to the database. Typically it used when modified or need to create the control

nomount startup;

Mounting phase: the instance is associated with the database. the parameter file is used to
locate control files, which contain the name of the data files and redo logs. Data files and
redo logs are not open, so they are not accessible by end users for normal tasks. To perform
this phase you can use two commands:
startup mount;
alter database mount;

Opening phase: data files and redo logs open. The database is available for normal operations.
Need to redo records exist otherwise if no records resetlogs use the command, which creates new
records. For this phase you can use two commands:
startup open;
alter database open;
If you need to use resetlogs:
startup open resetlogs;
resetlogs alter database open;
startup restrict (only allows connecting users with the privilege restricted session).
startup force (shutdown abort and start doing the BD).

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