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‘Smith 1 Dexter Smith Professor Raymond UWRT 1102 18 April 2016 WP #10 In the beginning of the semester long project, a ton of ideas ran through my head. I planned out exactly what I wanted to use in my project and what information I needed to research. However, later down the line I realized that I had to change my research and presentation. The information that I originally planned on using was not necessarily worth putting in the presentation. For instance, one idea of mine for the project was showing the different uniforms of the Panthers. Given the fact that most people who live in Charlotte and watches football has an idea of the type of uniforms the Panthers wear. Therefore, I decided to dig deeper into this topic. For example, (researched the very fist uniform that the Panthers wore when they first started as a NFL flsnchise and how they have changed from then until now. Hopefillly, I can keep the audience interested with this different approach and apply knowledge that the class is not already familiar wi re v Out of all the SLO’s, Critical Reflection was definitely the easiest to accomplish, I think pe this is one learning outcome that I could clearly see improvement when it comes to my writing. I am better at being more descriptive and examining my thoughts. Looking back at my work I believe I can also make better meaning of an experience.

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