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Garbade 1

Harmoni Garbade
Sarah Crist
English 4
18 February, 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Essential Question: How does alcohol affect families?
Thesis: The addiction to alcohol hurts families in many different ways: behavioral problems that
disrupt the home, social or work life, physiological problems (such as an obsessive desire to
drink), and leaving children with unwanted feelings and can lead to illness.

Esherick, Joan. Drug- & Alcohol Related Health Issues. Print.

Alcohol has a lot of facts that people might not know about. Alcohol slows down the
brains ability to respond and communicate and depresses the central nervous system. It has
many effects physically and emotionally. Alcohol gives you the initial feeling of relaxation,
sociability, giddiness, or happiness which can quickly turn to depression, anger, sleepiness,
confusion and loss of self control.

Walker, Ida. Alcohol Addiction: Not worth the Buzz. Philadelphia: Mason Crest, 2008. Print.
Not all alcohol-related problems are the same. The most serious condition is alcohol
dependence or alcohol addiction-alcoholism. There are several symptoms of alcohol addiction:
craving, loss of control, physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms, and tolerance or in other
words the need to drink greater amounts of alcohol to get that feeling. It is a simple fact that
anyone who drinks can develop alcoholism or alcohol abuse. There are many studies that have

Garbade 2

proven there is a genetic link to alcoholism. Everyone who takes a drink is at risk for developing
an addiction to alcohol.

Bellenir, Karen. Alcohol Information for Teens: Health Tips about Alcohol Use, Abuse, and
Dependence including Facts about Alcohol's Effects on Mental and Physical Health, the
Consequences of Underage Drinking, and Understanding Alcoholic Family Members. Third ed.
There are many children under the age of 18 who live with just one parent who is an
alcoholic. These children are at greater risk for depression anxiety disorder with cognitive and
verbal skills, and parental abuse or neglect. Alcohol disturbs the normal pattern of family
relationships, leaving the alcoholic parent incapable of many roles.

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