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Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

UbD Template
Title: Art and Soul Day at Thoroughgood Elementary
Course: Art
Topic: Art Therapy- expressing oneself through artistic medium
Stage 1: Desired Results
Established Goals: Students will foster deeper friendships, improve self-esteem
issues, and experience healing effects of art therapy through hands-on creation of
arts and crafts.
Understandings: Students will
understand that...

Every student is different/has a different

No art is bad art
Sometimes its okay to take a brain
break and relax
- Every student is special in their own

Students will know...


The joys of having art in ones life

Art is a fun alternative to video
games, TV, computer, etc

Essential Questions:
-What makes you, you?
Special talents?
Something you struggle with?
Something you want in the future?

Students will be able to...


Express themselves creatively

Have fun with hands-on art
Bring home mandala/coloring page
print outs to enjoy at home

Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks:

Key Criteria:

Who Am I? Activity
Students will receive a hand cut-out
where they will decorate with things
that describe them
Mandala Coloring Pages

Other Evidence:

Stage 3: Learning Plan-

Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

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