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How many can you check off?

Traditional name based on the

name(s) of the principal(s)

A brand name that has meaning

and cut-through

Traditional and dated colours:

navy blues, maroon, teals, etc.

Modern colours that are fresh

and not traditional or typical

Amateur, poorly designed logo

Professionally designed logo

No Style Guide: Inconsistent use

of logo, colours, layouts

Style Guide specifying use of

logo, colour palette, layouts

Dull stationery design and typical

business card. No cut-through.

Professionally designed
stationery, great business card

Old, out-dated website design

Modern, fresh website design

Website not mobile-responsive

Website is mobile-responsive

Boring, amateur stand-against-awhite-wall team photos

Professionally shot team photos

that have flare and edge to them

Un-branded (and probably

inactive) social media accounts

Professionally branded (and

active) social media accounts

How many NOT BORING items could you check off?

If you could not check off 8 of the NOT BORING items, chances are, your
business needs a re-brand or at least a brand refresh. Get in touch with the
PARADOX team at and well explain
ways we help firms break out of their box, and modernise their marketing.

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