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Title: Creating Character Webs

Grade: First
Relevant SC Standards:
Standard 13: Read independently and comprehend a variety of texts for the purposes
of reading for enjoyment, acquiring new learning, and building stamina; reflect on and
respond to increasingly complex text over time.
13.2: Read independently for sustained periods of time to build stamina
Standard 4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
4.1: Read grade-level texts with purpose and understanding.
Standard 8: Analyze characters, settings, events, and ideas as they develop and
interact within a particular context.
8.1: Read or listen closely to:
a. describe characters actions and feelings
Standard 1: The student will demonstrate competence in the use of ideas, materials,
techniques, and processes in the creation of works of visual art.
VA1-1.1: Use his or her own ideas in the creation of works of visual art.
Standard 4: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking.
Description: This app lesson will develop students skills of independent reading,
ability to analyze a storys character, ability to convey ideas when creating art (drawing),
and usage of correct grammar when writing.

Instructional Objective: To develop these skills students will first read a book, then
analyze a character from the story, then draw a picture of the character, and last write
information about the character in order to create a character web.
Step 1: Students will choose and read a book from the Epic! App.!-unlimited-books-for/id719219382?mt=8
Step 2: Students will draw a picture of a character from the story they read using the
Doodle Buddy app and then save it to the Ipad.
Step 3: Students will upload their picture to the Popplet app and create a character web
by writing information about the character in sentence form.
Step 4: Students will then screenshot their character webs and upload it to the Show
Me app to share with their classmates.

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