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Indiana Water Ski Association

Board Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2016

Start Time Called to order at 9:10am. Conference call format.

In Attendance: Dave Jarrett, Matt Beck, Jim Beck, Dan Reed
Approval of Minutes:
1. Motion to approve the January 23, 2016 minutes.
a. Approved as presented
Finance Andrew Winters (not present)
1. Nothing new to report
Membership Paul Miller (not present)
1. Will look into sending out a spring notification to renew memberships
2. Most membership will come in as we start the tournament season.
Sponsorship Dave Jarrett
1. Nothing new to report
2. Main sponsorships will be Barts and sponsors for summer Indiana State
Slalom / Trick / Jump
1. Trick Clinic
a. In June at Brewski
b. IWSA sponsored event, will need to reimburse the club after the event
2. Jump
a. Hawthorn will have two Jump events held on Friday evening July 1st & 8th
Collegiate Bester Detty (not present)
1. Nothing new to report
Grassroots Dave Jarrett
1. Nothing new to report
Disabled Dan Reed
1. Nationals will be in North Carolina, in October 12th to the 16th. Harmony, NC
a. Will be a Pan American event
2. Worlds are next April in Australia
3. Lake Morse event will be June 8th & 9th
a. Donate to the RHI sports event up to $300
b. Motion: Email needed


Indiana Water Ski Association

Board Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2016

MW Council Jim Beck

1. New team competition
a. Suggestion was to put the team together at the state tournament
b. Will decide who would be the best competitors and then would they
commit to going to both regionals and nationals
c. Team participants could ski the regionals and nationals even if they arent
qualified, just the team has to qualify
2. The council is pushing for every site to have a mini-course installed and available
at every tournament to encourage beginner skiers.
Awards/Banquet Open position
1. Will be back at the same Broadripple Yacht Club in November.
Newsletter Larry Smith (not present)
1. Is usually sent out around the first of May
1. Safety Clinic
a. April 23rd at the Wawasee Middle School
b. Put a note on Facebook about the clinic and ask if there is anyone else in
need of a clinic
2. AWSA has an online meeting for judges maintenance and upgrades for anyone
New Business:
1. Website
a. We would like to get some of the historical things put back on the web
page such as pictures and past results
b. Dan offered to add the information and get the additional links set up
based on the old files from the previous web page.
2. Special Events
a. Spring fling June 4th at Brewski
b. Trick clinic June 11th at Brewski
c. Boondocks Night ski June 25th and 26th
3. State Tournament
a. Banquet will be right after skiing is done on Saturday across the lake
b. Banquet ticket will be a part of the entry fee at a reasonable price.
c. The hosting club will be given $500 for the tournament expenses
i. No motion needed as it is a part of the ByLaws



Indiana Water Ski Association

Board Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2016

Old Business:
1. No old business was discussed
Next Board Meeting
1. Next formal meeting will be October 1, 2016. Any additional board actions
between meetings will be handled through email.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:15am.
Respectfully submitted,

Matthew A. Beck
IWSA Secretary



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